Chapter 2- umm

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Stapy couldn't take it anymore. The EXIT was literally the worst. First of all, it was small. Way too small to fit all the people inside. The desks took up too much space, the walls were filled with drawings of ice cube, and Stapy was constantly falling over due to the random spontaneous earthquakes. And don't even get me started on the people, Stapy thought. 

Dora was doing her weird beeping noises, Roboty kept disappearing, but that was always good because there was less people. Bracletty was fangirling over ice cube in a distant corner, too. Pencil and Match actually seemed to enjoy being together, as they were always talking excitingly (and extremely annoyingly) about something Stapy didn't really care about.

 David was surprisingly quiet, occasionally uttering "aw". No one really bothered to do any of the algebra worksheets anymore, because Four never visited to check on them. Stapy wished he could disappear into some far- off land like Roboty, just to get away from this awful place. Most of the time, he just doodled on his worksheets, throwing the occasional staple at Liy. A low rumble began from beneath Stapy's body. " EARTHQUAKE!" Yelled Firey. Jr as he jumped from the table onto the floor. "Everyone, get down!"

 Stapy sighed. Even not-so- natural disasters could be boring if they happened daily.  Stapy wondered if he would ever get out of here, to maybe see Foldy... This time, the earthquake brought more than just knocked over desks and fallen papers. The door to the EXIT burst open, revealing a sea of contestants tumbling in the small room. The floor began to shake even more, as the room expanded to make room for all the extra people. Stapy didn't even care. He was already searching through the people, and half of which turned out to be TPOT contestants. Only one thought raced through his mind: could Foldy be here?


Foldy looked around in confusion. "Is TPOT still going on?" She asked, but already knew the answer. Two sighed. "Well, if we don't fix this mess soon, we won't even have a show to cancel." As Foldy inspected the room in more detail, it seems that they were in GB's underground factory. The slightly melted metal floor and scattered items in piles gave it away. Foldy noticed that the hole in the ceiling made by Naily was bolted up, and the stairs leading to the entrance was blocked by Two's powers. Saw seemed to notice this too, but was too scared to say anything. The crowd, consisting of only around fifteen, seemed uneasy. 

"So... I thought I was eliminated. But then I'm here?" Saw said finally, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "Yes, I can tell you must be very confused. You see, we've all been hiding down here since the... disaster broke out." Two replied. "But why?" Foldy exclaimed. Golf ball shuffled behind Tennis ball as Two looked down. "Well, we... aren't sure exactly what happened, but five days ago, disaster struck. For some reason that we don't yet understand, Four attacked. He sent a quarter of the TPOT cast to the EXIT, but I was able to save a small amount of contestants. The rest of them..." Two glanced around uncomfortably. "The ones Four didn't send to the EXIT..." Golf ball interrupted suddenly, "The recovery machines all around the world were destroyed! If someone dies, we might not be able to bring them back... ever!" 

Foldy looked around at all of the contestants. She didn't see marker... Saw, meanwhile, spotted Gaty in the crowd, and proceeded to run over to hug her. Foldy longed to hug Stapy like Saw with Gaty. Would they ever get the chance to? Foldy ignored the pang of jealousy and instead asked Two: "So, what was even your plan here? To just hide until the danger passes?" Two looked uncomfortably up at Foldy. "Well, what to you think we should do?" Foldy inhaled bravely. She had a plan to possibly see Stapy again. "I say we face Four head-on! We save the contestants in the EXIT, and then we don't have to worry about hurting them when we defeat Four!" Gasps and murmurs filled the room as Foldy's statement settled. 

"But how do you suppose we fight Four? None of us have any experience on the battlefield! Well, except for Just Not, but none of the members are here!" cried TB. Donut looked quickly and nervously at Bomby, eyebrows raised. Bomby, in reply, turned to Donut angrily. No one seemed to notice this except for Foldy. "Hey, wait, isn't Bomby here?" Questioned Foldy. Bomby inhaled sharply, as if he didn't want anyone to acknowledge him. "Are you Kidding?", Exclaimed Gaty. "Bomby can't fight!" Price tag, which Foldy didn't even realize was here until now, said: " Well, who else can even fight here?" Donut was visibly trying to keep his mouth shut, but couldn't keep it in anymore. 

"I can't fight, but i know someone who can."

heeeey taco again :D thanks for reading this chapter! its 11 rn sooo i guess i get rly inspired at night lol

needed to save this but acedently pressed the publish button sorry for the confusion

LIKE WOW this chapter was long but i rly wanted to get bomby in there hes awesome bro 

the part abt bomby an donut was based on my donuts diary fanfic that i might share buttttttt i probibly wont


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