Chapter 1

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"Katy! Hurry up, we're gonna be late for chemistry!", my dear friend Misnaha said.

"Sorry Misnaha!", I said, knowing I just made multiple people late for one class due to my inability to keep hold of my stuff. This stupid staircase caused me to almost trip and fall directly onto my face. Luckily I managed to regain my balance before I broke my nose. My pencil case, binder, and all the papers in it weren't so lucky though. My grip on them loosened and they plummeted to the floor. The papers fell out and were now being collected by me, Suki and Misnaha.

"Misnaha what time is it?", Suki asked, looking very panicked, and rightfully so. Our chemistry teacher, Mr Perry, wasn't the kindest person when it came to those who were late for class. He would lock them out, and have them do pop quizzes that counted for our grade. I could not take another quiz. If I failed one more, I would fail the class.

"It's 9:58", Misnaha replied, looking worried herself.

"Are you kidding me! We won't get there in time. The class is on the other side of the school. There's no way we're gonna get there in time".

"We're gonna get yelled at! This is the second time this week", I cried, dreading the lecture we would be getting from that old hooligan.

Just then, we heard someone call out our names. We all looked up, and saw Arlit and Tharasa walking over.

"What are you guys doing?", Tharasa asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Katy dropped all her stuff, and we're helping her pick it up", Misnaha answered.

"Wow, you want help?", Arlit asked, staring at his girlfriend.

"Sure, thanks Arlit", Misnaha said back, blushing like the person who caught Shane Dawson having sexual intercourse with his cat must've been.

Arlit and Misnaha were an adorable couple who had been the talk of the school ever since they got together. They were nominated for homecoming King and Queen last month, and were now being written about in the school newspaper, which was run by our friend, Saji. He wrote interesting things about them, to say the least. Anyways, those two were adorable together. I hope I get a relationship as good as theirs one day.

After picking up all the papers with the help of Tharasa and Arlit, we got up.

"Wait a minute", I said. "Why aren't you guys in class!?! DO YOU WANNA GET YELLED AT?".

"Didn't you come here", Tharasa replied. "Mr. Perry is in court right now because he's divorcing his wife since he caught her cheating on him with their son".

"WHAT", Suki screeched. "THAT'S CRAZY".

"I know right, but anyways, class is canceled because of that, so have a free period. Did you guys not know?".

"Obviously we didn't", Misnaha retorted. "If we did, we wouldn't have panicked as much as we were a minute ago".

"Anyways, what do you guys wanna do during our free period? Wanna eat lunch right now?", Arlit asked.

"Ugh! No! We should be studying Arlit! No wonder your GPA is a 3.1. You never try hard enough", Tharasa said.

"You can't expect everyone to be like you!" Arlit countered.

"How about we come to a vote? Whichever activity gets the most votes will be done during our free period. Do we have a deal?".

"Yes we do!".

"Everyone who wants to study, raise up your hand".

Suki and Tharasa both did so.

"Now, everyone who wants to eat lunch, raise up your hand".

First Arlit raised his hand. Then Misnaha did as well.

"Sorry Tharasa", Misnaha said with a look of guilt on her face. "But my Arlit-boo-boo-bear wants it, so I'll agree for his sake",

"The betrayal", Tharasa whispered, very loudly, with a fake look of sadness on her face. "Whatever, Katy, you're the only one who hasn't voted, what are you gonna choose?".

Everyone's attention was now on me, and my cheeks flushed, but not because of all of them. It was because of one person, because of her.

The way she spoke, the way her gaze laid upon me. It made my heart beat ten times faster than it should've, and it made my entire body burn bright red, though my blush certainly couldn't compare to how red Saji became when he was embarrassed. I wanted to impress her by choosing the same option she chose and making it seem as if I was mature, but I didn't wanna disappoint Misnaha and Arlit. This was so hard! After 4 seconds of careful consideration, I decided on what I would choose. Misnaha and Arlit would surely understand.

"I choose.....studying".

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