Chapter 8

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All that was left was our final class of the day, which was French. We all made our way to the French classroom, where our teacher Ms. Yuralsucul was probably watching furry adult videos while "secretly" using her vibrator to please herself. As we walked in, everything seemed normal, which was a good day given the day we had. Ms. Yuralsucul was pleasing herself something very normal. The day was gonna end normally! That was what I thought until I heard something in a cabinet behind Tharasa's desk. I didn't pay any attention to it, because it was probably nothing. I was praying that it was nothing. After Ms. Yuralsucul had climaxed and finished her orgasm, she hid her vibrator in a drawer on her desk and she finally got up to teach us. Sadly she touched the chalkboard with the same hands she used to the the tip of her rose toy vibrator which was held directly against her vagina, so I can't touch anything in this classroom more.

We went on and on about several french phrases but I couldn't focus due to one thing. The continuous sound of breathing behind Tharasa's desk. It wasn't quiet either, it was loud, and quite frankly, very annoying. It might've just all been in my head though. I swear though, I can sense when something is different about the surroundings of my pookie-poopy-cutie-patootie bear Tharasa. I, Katy Satty love her so much, she's my cutsie wootsie mootsie tootsie roll.

As the class went by, the breathing started to get louder, and something began to tap on the door of the cabinet. I don't know if anybody else could hear it, but it was seriously starting to freak me out. Hopefully it was actually all in my head and I'm just delusional or something, because this is starting to scare me really badly.

Their was only a few minutes left of class. I just tried to pay attention, but thats when I heard something. I heard the cabinet door open, and thats when I saw somebody exiting the cabinet. I KNEW I WASN'T CRAZY!

It was a boy, who looked about 17 years old. He was pale, scrawny and he looked dirty, like he hadn't bathed for weeks. He made his way out of the cabinet with a pair of scissors. Nobody but me noticed him, and he didn't seem to know I saw him. He scurried towards Tharasa like a rat, and tried to cut off a piece of her long, curly hair. He probably wanted to keep it to sniff it like a pervert. I, Katy Satty rushed over and punched him in the face. He fell to the floor and his scissors fell under Suki's desk and touched her shoes. His scissors had pieces of feces on them so maybe that wasn't the best thing for Suki...I'm kidding!! 🤣 Suki loves to eat feces. She brings it as dessert for all of us during lunch. I love how good her home-made cow feces tastes. It's so spiral like, nice and brownish green and chunky and very bitter, but it also has another flavour in it that I just can't find a name for that makes the bitterness feel good.

Arlit loves the taste of it as well. He often compliments it's sweetness. Ican't blame him since it really is a one of a kind dish that makes you feel so many emotions. It's very nutritious as well.

Enough about Suki's delicious cow-shit. Let's get back to the weird guy. The guy was so scrawny, he fainted due to the sheer intensity of my punch.

"OH MY AOSHIE BOSHIE COSHIE DOSHIE EOSHIE FOSHIE GOSHIE HOSHIE IOSHIE JOSHIE KOSHIE LOSHIE MOSHIE NOSHIE OOSHIE POSHIE QOSHIE ROSHIE SOSHIE TOSHIE UOSHIE VOSHIE WOSHIE XOSHIE YOSHIE GOSH! Katy Satty, YOU SAVED ME!", Tharasa said, while holding me tight and hugging me with her arms around my back. I felt so good to feel her warm embrace. I, Katy Satty, could smell her (and I did smell her multiple times) and lick her (and I did once in secret).

"O-oh, u-uh...y-you're welcome Tharasa....", I said awkwardly while blushing as if I was as red as a tomato.

"You're m-my hero! K-Katy...", she said, plushing just as furiously as I was.

We stayed hugging for a couple seconds, before we were interrupted by the rest of the class.


I, Katy Satty, wanted to bite and chew on them so bad.

"Yea...we're fine", I said, trying to compose myself so nobody say how hard I was blushing. I'm so bad. Like the baddest of bad. Like if somebody asked me to spit in their mouth, I, Katy Satty, would do it. That's how much of a baddie I am.

"That's great!", Misnaha said. "Who is this guy that tried to get a lock of your hair anyways?".

"I have no idea", Tharasa said.

"Neither do I", I added in.

"Then who is he?", Saji said. "And why did he go for Tharaniaya".

We all thought about that for a few seconds before Arlit came to a discovery using his gigantic brain.

"I KNOW WHO THIS IS!", he said.

"YOU DO?", Tharasa replied.

"YEP!", he said. "THIS IS TYLER BUNNBERG!! He used to be the football team's personal fleshlight but ever since Dean Louison came around, he was rejected by them. Ever since then he's been eating pieces of people's hair, and Tharasa was gonna be his next victim until you stopped him Katy! You're a hero!".

"REALLY!", I asked.

"Yep, my precious hero~", Tharasa said as she put her arm around my neck and brought me closer towards her face. WERE WE ABOUT TO KISS? I, Katy Satty, had dreamed about this day for years. I couldn't believe this was happening! I puckered up and brought my face closer to hers, but just before our lips intertwined, something happened.

Saji sneezed, causing an earthquake all across the country. I stumbled backwards and fell to the floor.

"OH MY GOODNESS! EVERYONE HIDE UNDER A DESK!", Suki screamed as she sucked on her thumb. It was so wrinkled because of the excessive amounts of saliva always on it. To make sucking on her thumb taste better, Suki would put Neal Tieson's dandruff on it for added flavour. Neal Tieson never washed his hair and had lice.

We all hid under our desk. Me and Tharasa hid under the same desk. Our hands interlocked and we stared at eachother while trying to keep calm. Much to our dismay, somebody joined us and we had to give up on our quality time together...for the moment atleast. 😏

The earthquake went on for a few more minutes. Coincidentally, the school bell rang the exact moment the earthquake ended.

"Awww, I guess we'll have to continue this interaction tomorrow", Tharasa said as she licked my cheek. I began to blush even more so than I did before. I tried to hug her, but all I ended up doing was positioning my arm in such a way that my armpits where in her face. She sniffed them and then got up.

"Bye guys! I gotta head home now! Talk to you guys later!", Tharasa said before grabbing her stuff and walking off. Before she left, she winked at me and licked her lips.

I, Katy Satty, did the same thing to show my scrumptious princess Tharasa I feel the same way as her. I just wanted to lick her teeth everyday while sniffing her feet and eating her dead skin cells. I used my psychic powers to see what she wanted to do with me, and her thoughts were pretty normal. She wanted to kiss me while stuffing her armpit into my nose and forcing me to pour her sweat in my eyes. I, Katy Satty dream of Tharasa and me doing that kind of stuff.

I said goodbye to the rest of my poopoo monkey friends that I, Katy Satty eat the skin cells that I exfoliate off my face and neck. (Tharasa also eats them).

I got in my sister's car, and she drove me home.

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