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Sometimes, even the people with the Kindest, purest, heart, can become the darkest, evilest, person. The one with the most hate, the one with the greatest grudge.

Quote by: Me, Rylee (you foxes(can I call you that?) can call me Rylee :D)

Many ask, many wonder, many question, many watch, but none understand...

None seem to understand what happened to Queens very own 'Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man'. One of the Kindest, purest, people in all of Queens, New York. Always helping people, even people who are having trouble crossing the street, even people who were just sad. What happened to him? After the strange incident at the statue of Liberty. The incident that none can remember, they're kind Spider disappeared, atleast, that's what many thought at first. Until reports of a new villain start, one with a similar attire as Spider-Man, one many call 'Ghost Spider, one no person has ever truly seen. Just glimpses. Many started to make connections, many think that this 'Ghost Spider' is their own Spider-Man gone Rouge, but none can find out why. After a few months, Spider-Man has not returned, but the Advengers have. Even Tony Stark, who many thought was dead. But no Spider-Man. People have asked the Advengers, but they won't tell them anything beside 'they don't know. None believe them, they think they do know what happened, but won't tell. 'We'll get him back'. New York is counting on them.

Many ask, many wonder, many question, many watch, but none understand...

Is it truly their Spider-Man? 

Is it some wannabe villain? 

Where is Spider-Man? 

What are the Advengers hiding?

And maybe, if it's truly Spider-Man...

Can they bring back their Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man?

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