Chapter 4

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August 20th, 1995

"Oh, Harry. Are you all right? We overheard them talking about the Dementor attack. You must tell us everything," Hermione breathed as she looked at her best friend.

"Let the man breathe, Hermione," Ron said.

After an engaging conversation, the twins popped in.

"Thought we heard your dulcet tones. Don't bottle it up, though, mate. Let it out. If you're all done shouting... Do you wanna hear something a little more interesting?" The twins smiled a devilish smile.

"If anyone has a right to know, it's Harry. If it wasn't for Harry... we wouldn't even know Voldemort was back," Sirius said, "He's not a child, Molly."

"But he's not an adult either. He's not James, Sirius," Molly said.

"Well, he's not your son," Sirius pipped in.

"He's as good as. Who else has he got?"

"He's got me," Sirius said.

"How touchingly paternal, Black. Perhaps Potter will grow up to be a felon, just like his godfather," Professor Snape pipped in.

"Now, you stay out of this, Snivellus," Sirius retorted.

"Snape's part of the Order?" Harry asked.

"Git," Ron said.

October 17th, 1995

"You have detention with Umbridge for the next week?" Professor Snape seemed irritated.

Hermione nodded as she stared at her professor. He looked more disgruntled than usual. "I will let Professor Umbridge know that you will be serving those detentions with me," he paused, "only because we have work to do and I cannot lose my assistant."

Hermione started to smile at Professor Snape's comment. She didn't understand why he would do that. Sure, she understood that he didn't want to lose his assistant but weeks ago he didn't even want her as one. "Get back to work, Miss Granger," he immediately said. Hermione nodded and got back to work on the potion they were making. Professor Snape had told her he needed this potion done in the next couple of days because he would be showing it to his sixth-year students.

"May I see your hand, Miss Granger?" she turned around to see Professor Snape staring at her. Hermione narrowed her eyes at him, confused on what he wanted. "Hand now, please," he was holding out his hand and she gracefully put her hand into his. He was holding a vial that said, 'Murtlap Essence' on the front. "Does it hurt?"

Hermione nodded, as he let go of her hand, "This will heal and soothe your hand, but it won't completely get rid of it," he started to open the vial and grab Hermione's hand softly. His hands felt calloused but soft at the same time. Hermione stared at his hand as he carefully put the liquid on her hand. His fingers were long and slender. She noticed something on his hand she had never seen before. It was a ring on his middle finger. It was silver and had a hint of green in it. "All done, don't wash your hand for the next twenty minutes," he sat the vial down on the table and looked at Hermione.

Hermione felt like she was going to choke on her saliva. Professor Snape was still holding her hand and slightly drawing small circles with his thumb. "T-thank y-you, Professor Snape," she stuttered. She glanced at their hands and he instantly removed his hand from hers. "Don't ever mention it," he turned around quickly and walked to his desk. He sat down and stared at his work.

"Mention what?" Hermione smiled.

Professor Snape lifted his head, his face had a slight smirk showing. "Precisely," he paused as he looked at Hermione, "you may go now."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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