Chapter 3: Resurfacing Tides

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In the quiet solitude of her room, Sana was left alone with her thoughts and the reverberating echoes of Jungkook's confession. His words, raw and earnest, had stirred an array of emotions within her that felt too tangled to confront. The peace she sought seemed elusive, replaced instead by the memory of a voice, a confession, and an unvoiced love that had quietly existed beneath the surface of their friendship.

Sana sat on her bed, her mind awash with memories. One by one, they resurfaced, flickering through her mind like a reel of black and white film. The first flashback that replayed was of her finding hidden notes.

In the dim light of many late nights, huddled with her songbook, she'd often found small slips of paper neatly tucked between the pages. Each carried encouraging words or suggestions for lyrics when she was grappling with writer's block. Occasionally, there would be a small, silly doodle—a small attempt at humour to lighten her mood. The notes were always unsigned, maintaining a semblance of mystery. But Sana always knew they were from Jungkook. There was a familiar warmth to them, a subtle support that reflected his quiet, steadfast personality. It was his way of buoying her spirit, of letting her know she wasn't alone.

Then came the flashbacks of their late-night conversations. The anxieties of the stage, the pressure of their dreams, and the weight of expectations often kept her awake. During those sleepless nights, Jungkook would keep her company, their worries and fears diffused in the soft glow of a burning cigarette and the mellow comfort of a shared bottle of wine. His presence was a calming antidote to her fears, his voice a soothing lullaby against the harsh uncertainties.

They would talk into the wee hours, laughter and earnest conversations interweaving with the soft strumming of his guitar. Eventually, she would find herself lulled to sleep by the comforting rhythm. Upon waking, she'd find him in the corner of the room, fast asleep, his guitar still nestled in his lap—an embodiment of dedication and unwavering support.

As these memories coursed through her, Sana felt a pang of guilt. It struck her then how truly blind she had been. The signs were all there, but she had failed to decipher them. She had misread his love as friendship, his affections as camaraderie. The thought gnawed at her heart, the impact of his confession now bearing a heavier weight. The silent story of his love had been weaved into their shared past, a narrative she was only beginning to comprehend.

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As dawn broke into a new day, Sana found herself nestled in her favourite chair, a cup of hot coffee in hand. The scent of fresh grounds wafted through her apartment, a comforting aroma that she hoped would calm these emotions stirred by Jungkook's confession. However, even the rich, calming scent of her brew seemed insufficient to quiet her restless thoughts.

Abruptly, her contemplative silence was shattered by the insistent buzz of her phone. Startled, she glanced at the caller ID and noticed it was their band's manager. With a heavy sigh, she braced herself and accepted the call.

"Sana, we have a problem," her manager's voice was urgent and taut with anxiety. "It's about Taehyung."

A wave of apprehension swept over Sana, making her heart pound harder in her chest. The mere mention of Taehyung's name was enough to resurrect the ghost of a past she had been diligently trying to bury.

"News about your previous relationship with him has leaked," the manager continued, her voice echoing ominously in Sana's ear. "Somehow, the story's out and the media, well, they're having a field day. They're sniffing around for any hint of detail, and their frenzy is squeezing the life out of the label. They want some sort of explanation, some kind of statement."

The manager's words tumbled on, her breathless urgency a stark contrast to the early morning serenity. "I'm putting together a quick, hushed meeting at your place. We need to put our heads together and figure this out. Tae's going to be there too, his manager thought it was best. I'm heading over there now but he might arrive first."

Sana was left speechless as the implications of her manager's words sank in. Her past was no longer hers alone; it was now fodder for public gossip. The carefully hidden chapters of her life were now threatened with exposure.

Her phone vibrated once again, dragging her back to reality. This time, it was Jungkook. His call caught her off guard, and she hesitated, the phone buzzing impatiently in her hand. She wasn't ready for a voice conversation yet, not when her thoughts were still tangled and raw. Letting it ring, she watched as his name blinked out, quickly replaced by a text from him.

"Hey, I just heard about the news. Are you okay?"

Inhaling deeply, she tapped out a reply, her fingers shaking slightly. "I'm okay. There's just a lot to process."

Almost instantly, his reply came in. "I can imagine. Can we come over? The band's worried about you."

She hesitated before answering, unsure of whether she was ready to face them, ready to face him. But then, she realised she needed the familiarity, the comfort of her friends. "Yes, but can it be in the evening? I have a meeting with my manager."

"Sure, take all the time you need. We're here for you, always." 

A warmth spread through her as she read his last message. She put down her phone and took a deep breath, readying herself for the coming storm. But at least she knew she wouldn't have to face it alone.

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a/n: thanks for reading! please upvote and comment if you enjoy unstrung hearts 🖤

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