Chapter 6: Beneath the Kyoto Sky

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Underneath the velvety cloak of darkness, the city of Kyoto came alive in an entirely different way. Sana and Jungkook, fresh off a short flight from Seoul, arrived at a private, traditional Japanese townhouse, a Kyomachiya nestled in the heart of Kyoto. The fusion of traditional and modern aesthetics, from the onsen tubs to the modern kitchen, from the tranquil tea room to the garden blooming with native flora, the townhouse was a haven, beautifully preserving the essence of Japanese culture.

The allure of the ancient city pulled them out into the night, lured by the melodic chirping of cicadas and the warm, balmy breezes of the Japanese summer. Streetlights illuminated their path, casting a soft glow on historic houses that stood as a testament to the city's rich history. Their footsteps led them to a convenience store, a beacon of light in the midst of the quiet neighbourhood as they bought some local snacks and beers.

Their walk halted at the bank of the Kamogawa, the river that cut a serene path through the city. They nestled themselves on the cool grass, the city's quiet murmur a soothing lullaby. Clinking their beer cans together in a silent toast, they took a swig, the cool liquid a welcome respite from the summer heat.

As the tranquillity of the night wrapped around them, Jungkook lit up a cigarette, its tip glowing like a lone star in the darkness. The smoke curled up into the night sky, dissipating into the blackness. The crackling sound was soon lost in the rhythm of the river flowing by their side.

Jungkook's voice cut through the rhythmic sound of the flowing river, a warm whisper in the cool night air. "How're you feeling now, Sana?"

Sana took a moment to breathe in the summer air, rich with the scent of the nearby foliage. "A lot better," she replied, a soft sigh of relief accompanying her words. "Being in this beautiful city, speaking my mother tongue—it's comforting."

Jungkook's gaze drifted away from Sana and onto the shimmering reflection of city lights dancing on the surface of the Kamogawa. "That's good," he echoed her sentiment. "I didn't realise how much I needed this break too."

Sana found herself entangled in a silent struggle, caught between opening up and keeping it all inside. "...About the other night," she started, her voice barely rising above the whisper of the wind, "I'm sorry we haven't really talked..."

Jungkook turned his attention back to Sana, his demeanour reassuring. "It's okay, Sana. I get it. Things have been tough." He hesitated for a moment before adding, "If it helps, we can act like it never happened. We can talk about it whenever you're ready."

Sana looked at him, the city lights reflected in her eyes. "Why do you always put me first?" She asked, the weight of guilt making her words heavy. "Especially when you've been shouldering your feelings for so long."

A firm resolution surfaced in Jungkook's response, his voice breaking through the gentle ambience around them. "Don't say that. You're an incredible person, Sana.  You deserve nothing but the absolute best the world can offer."

A wistful note crept into Sana's voice. "But I wish you could be a little more selfish, Kookie..."

Jungkook felt a bitter smile tug at his lips. A subtle melancholy lingered in its curve. His heart echoed Sana's wish, an urge that had been steadily gnawing at him. If he had been more selfish, if he had allowed himself to succumb to the silent longing that kept him up at night... The notion of being selfish, of putting his own desires before everything else, was intoxicating. If he had been more selfish, he would have crossed that line a long time ago, consequences be damned. Shaking himself from the chain of self-reflective thoughts, he tried to inject an air of lightheartedness into the quiet night.

"Hey, lighten up, will you?" Jungkook teased, his tone warm and gentle. "Where's our usual high-spirited Sana?"

Using both his hands, he playfully tugged at the corners of her mouth, his own lips clenching a cigarette. In response, Sana's eyes lit up, reflecting the moonlight in their gleam. A subtle, affectionate smile made its way onto her face.

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