Chapter 9: Igniting Feelings

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With a final few steps, they reached the crest of the hill, the viewpoint sprawling in front of them. The city's shimmering skyline stretched out below, the festival's colourful lights twinkling like a constellation at their feet. A gentle breeze tousled their hair as Jungkook carefully set Sana back on the ground. The grass underneath felt cool and soft, a welcome relief for Sana's aching feet.

"Thank you," Sana said, a soft smile gracing her lips. "My feet feel so much better now."

"No problem," Jungkook responded, grinning back at her. "And we made it in time. We have a few minutes to spare until the fireworks."

"Yeah, today has been fun, hasn't it?" Sana mused, the glow of festival lights mirrored in her eyes. She could still taste the sweetness of the takoyaki and feel the fluttering of the goldfish in the water bag.

Jungkook grinned at the memory. "Especially the goldfish game," he added, earning a chuckle from Sana.

"You were so determined," she commented, her voice full of affection.

Jungkook shrugged, but his cheeks were slightly pink. "I just wanted to win you something," he confessed. "Seeing you happy... it makes me happy."

There was a softness in his eyes that she had never seen before. It made her heart race in a way that she hadn't felt in a while. Emboldened by her quiet attentiveness, Jungkook decided to delve deeper into the emotions he'd kept guarded for so long. "Sana," he admitted, his voice shaky with vulnerability, "when I told you how I felt back then, it was the most honest I've ever been." He took a deep breath as if to gather his courage. "I meant every word, and I still do. I care for you deeply... not just as a friend, but as a man who wants to be there for you, who wants to protect you, support you... and love you."

His words struck a chord within her. It was as if she was seeing Jungkook in a completely new light. The lines of their friendship had blurred, replaced by an intimate connection that she'd only recently begun to acknowledge. "Jungkook," she began, her voice tender and soft, carrying a depth of understanding, "I know this hasn't been easy for you. The courage it took for you to confess your feelings, and then to stand by my side despite the chaos."

Her voice wavered, the enormity of her next words pressing heavily against her chest. "I want you to know, I've noticed your efforts and I can't deny that... my feelings for you have been changing."

Jungkook could feel his throat tightening, a surge of emotion threatening to overwhelm him as Sana's words resonated within his soul. She'd acknowledged his feelings; she'd seen him, truly seen him. 

"Sana, do you really mean it?" He asked, his voice so gentle it was almost lost in the night. His eyes, wide with a mix of hope and fear, searched hers for any sign of insincerity.

Sana looked back at him, her gaze soft and earnest. She reached up to gently touch his cheek as if to reassure him. "I do." she said softly, her voice filled with a tenderness that made his heart leap. Slowly, he reached up to cover her hand with his own, holding it against his face, his eyes locked in a dance of longing and uncertainty.

Caught in the intimate moment, Jungkook drew his face closer to Sana's and gently placed a  hand on her waist. His eyes, drawn as if by an invisible force, drifted to her lips, soft and slightly parted, a hint of pink in the warm glow of the festival lights. They were lips he had looked at countless times before, but never quite like this. The urge to kiss her was powerful, and overwhelming, a longing that had been building within him for longer than he even realised. It was a desire that had started as a fleeting thought he'd pushed aside, but now it roared to life, demanding to be acknowledged. 

Every laugh they'd shared, every touch, every look had led to this moment, and he felt a magnetic pull towards her, an attraction that went beyond mere friendship. His heart pounded in his chest, his breath caught in his throat, and he knew that he was helpless to resist. All he wanted was to close that last bit of distance between them and finally know what it felt like to taste those lips that had haunted his dreams.

Time itself seemed to hold its breath, waiting for him to cross the threshold that had been teasing his emotions for far too long.

But, the universe had other plans.

Just as he was about to take that momentous step, the sky erupted with a shower of colours. The sudden burst of fireworks in the sky startled them, causing Sana to pull back, their moment interrupted by the resounding booms and vibrant hues painting the night.

Sana, eyes twinkling with joy and anticipation, turned her gaze towards the vibrant display of fireworks painting the night sky. "Wow, look at that!" Her voice was filled with excitement. Her lips curved into an enchanting smile, the beauty of the spectacle mirrored in her sparkling eyes. Yet, despite the fireworks illuminating the darkness, despite their thunderous applause for the day's festivities, Jungkook found himself captivated not by their spectacle, but by her.

He was frozen in the lingering aftermath of their almost-kiss, the taste of lost opportunity bittersweet on his tongue. His eyes traced the contours of her face, alight with joy and painted in hues of gold, red, and violet from the fireworks above. He watched as her lips, which were so nearly his mere moments ago, moved in silent exclamations of awe at the spectacle before them. He couldn't help but bite his lower lip in frustration and longing.

It was only when Sana turned to him, her eyes meeting his intense gaze, that he realized he'd been caught. A light blush coloured her cheeks before her hand extended towards him. To Jungkook, the sight was more breathtaking than any firework could ever aspire to be.

Sana, radiant in her summer yukata, stood under the vibrant lights, extending a hand towards him with a tender smile. The sight of her, under the veil of this summer night, would forever be etched into his memory. His heart pounded wildly in his chest as he reached out to take her hand, their fingers entwining in a silent pledge.

As they watched the fireworks together in silence, Sana leaned in against Jungkook. The weight of her head gently resting on his shoulder filled him with a sense of serenity and rightness. This gesture, simple yet profoundly intimate, was her way of letting him know that she was opening her heart to him.

Looking down at Sana nestled comfortably against him, Jungkook felt a sense of peace wash over him. This moment, despite its simplicity, felt like a vivid painting - one that he would revisit over and over in his mind, a treasured memory of the night their paths took a significant turn.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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