7. The Concert in Paris

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You don't tell anyone about the post and go back up to your room. No one seems to wake up, so you take a cab and decide to see a bit more of Paris.

You discover some wonderful places, but around 11am you decide to go back to the hotel, as the concert was at 4pm. You go back upstairs and see no one, so you knock on Tom's door before going in. He's still sleeping peacefully and you decide to wake him up because it's getting late and you have to leave soon. He wakes up and pulls you in for a cuddle, you feel his breath in your neck which makes you blush.

You get up and go back to your room while he changes.

You decide to go and see if the others are up and yes, they are, Bill is combing his hair and Goerg and Gustav are eating downstairs.

After 10 minutes Tom comes out of his room and into yours.

Tom - Hi Y/N!

Y/N - Hi Tom, how did you sleep?

Tom - Great, and you?

Y/N - Yes, I did a bit of sightseeing in Paris.

Tom - What do you mean?

Y/N - Everyone was asleep, so I went out with my mask on and did a little sightseeing.

Tom - Ohhh you should have woken me up before, I would have come with you!

Y/N - It was 7:30 a.m. I don't think you woke up that early *laughs*.

Tom - No, you're right *laughs*.

He stayed in your room watching TV and you next to him.

Bill came to pick you up to go to the concert hall, and once on the bus Tom came to stand next to you. Without even speaking to each other, you appreciate his presence and it warms your heart.

Once you arrived, fans and journalists rushed towards you and you all ran inside.

The hall was huge, and members of the management team came to see you and explained many things to you.

The only thing you have to remember is the capacity - 30,000. 30,000 people came to see you sing. You start to panic, but keep smiling, you don't have to panic, it's your career. Once the introductions are made, you're each assigned a dressing room.

In yours you change into your stage clothes and your hair and make-up are done. Everything's done, now you have to rehearse, but you can't, you're shaking all over, you've never sung in front of so many people. You freeze and it's knocking on your door:

Tom - Y/N? It's all right, we're waiting for you..Y/N are you all right???

Y/N - I'm fine, I'm just shaking.

Tom gives you a hug, trying his best to comfort you, and you manage to stop shaking.

You join the others.

You're in a corner and they're performing their music before yours arrives, Tom is playing and it's incredible to watch, nothing else around exists for him but the guitar.


I try to comfort Y/N because I'm worried about her, but in the meantime I have to perform for the rehearsals. While we're performing she seems to be feeling better so I just concentrate on the guitar.

I can feel Y/N's gaze on me throughout the rehearsal, but I don't mind.


You watch Tom throughout the performance until it's over and your song is played. You rehearse until the doors open 1 hour before the start of the concert.

Everyone is in their dressing rooms working on the last details of their outfits, and you call your parents.

Your parents are happy for you and reassure you that they'll see you on TV and that you'll be the best.

Bill and Tom came to your dressing room and tell you that the concert is about to start.

You sit backstage and watch them perform their music. You enjoyed a lot of it and discovered some new ones. You stare at Tom all the way until intermission begins and they return backstage.

Bill and the others are gone - it's just you and Tom.

Tom - So you've had a good eyeful, I see.

Y/N - What are you talking about?

Tom - Don't pretend, I felt your gaze on me throughout the performance and you can't say otherwise. 

Oh oh, you're not going to tell her how you feel now, are you?

Y/N - ah ah you're funny Tom go back on stage the break's over.

Tom - Enjoy! *wink*

You couldn't disagree, everyone knows he's handsome but you think he'd never love a girl like you, he's a player, he gets all the girls he wants. 

After 30 minutes you're on stage, the fans are shouting your name and you're smiling at them.

Tom couldn't take his eyes off you, whether he was playing guitar or not.


I'm hypnotized by Y/N she drives me crazy she's so kind, beautiful and her voice so bewitching, so angelic only increases my love for her.

I've got to tell her how I feel before the tour ends or I'll lose her.


You were singing alone on your verse the whole world saw you here singing with so much passion it gives you goose bumps.

The music's over, the crowd's cheering.

Your Paris concert is finally over.

My dearest friend ? Tom Kaulitz. ENGLISH VERSION!!Where stories live. Discover now