19. The Ask

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You wait for Tom to pass the final checks before heading back to the parking lot. You get out and drive for an hour to your house. You unlock the door and enter your incredible, now empty, home.

You put your bag down and pick up your phone, as Sacha had sent you a message.

Sacha - Hi Y/N! Everything's going well ?

Y/N - I'm a bit sad about Tom leaving, but I'll be seeing him soon.

Sacha - Oh yeah, why?

Y/N - Didn't I tell you? You know I'm going to Coachella?

Sacha - Yes, I'm proud of you, my queen!

Y/N - Would you like to come and see me? You, Bill and Tom on the weekend of April 13.

Sacha - Of course I'm coming! Are we sleeping at your place?

Y/N - Of course!

Sacha - I can't wait!

Y/N - Me too! Please talk to Bill for me, I haven't told him yet.

Sacha - Don't worry, darling!

Y/N - Byeee!!

You put your phone in your pocket before going up the stairs and into your room. You tidy up a bit and notice that Tom has forgotten a few things. His sweater. You put it aside to give it back to him in 3 weeks, but you can't help yourself and put it on.

3 weeks past.

Coachella is in two days, you've had lots of meetings and everything is finally ready. You've even written a new song for the occasion.
Your Louis Vuitton stage outfit is already ready in your room. Your makeup artist and hairdresser have already been in touch.

Sacha, Tom and Bill are arriving tomorrow, and you're under a lot of stress. You've had several panic attacks because of your show, but you've always calmed yourself down.

Today you have to go shopping for their arrival, so you get out and drive to the nearest Walmart.
You got about $200 worth because you had nothing left in your cupboards. You're back in Beverly Hills before sunset.

To pass the time, you start reading. All kinds of books in general, and what you like best is reading during golden hour.

You wanted to do the same now, so you put away the groceries in your cupboards before going upstairs with your book of the moment and settling down on the roof terrace of your villa.

You've been reading for 3 hours, and around 10pm you come inside and wash up. You set an alarm for 7 a.m. to pick up your friends at the airport at 2 p.m. tomorrow.


The next morning you wake up in a good mood, finally seeing everyone again. You spend some time on your phone before getting up. You take a bowl of cereal and eat in front of your TV.

Once you've finished, you get dressed in a black skirt and white top, with a leather jacket and black heeled boots. Put on make-up and let your hair down.

Once you've finished getting ready at 9 a.m., your agent calls you around 10 a.m. to give you the final details of Coachella for tomorrow. The media is all about your performance at the festival. Many influencers have come especially to see you.

To pass the time, you start rehearsing your music for a few hours. Around 12 o'clock you eat a bit before you leave your house and lock the door behind you. It's a 1h30 drive to the airport.

Once there, you park your car and enter the airport before sitting down in the arrivals area.
You stay on your phone and a few people recognize you and come over to talk to you, but never without disturbing you further.

Announcement - Flight 568 from Berlin is about to land.

You stand up and wait for 10 minutes before you see a red head of hair through the passengers. It's Sasha, and next to her are Tom and Bill.
They're all there with you.

They start to emerge from the crowd and look for you, you wave and Tom sees you.
He shows the others where you are and they all head towards you with their suitcases.

Sacha - Y/N!!! *throws herself into your arms* You're beautiful, I've missed you!

Y/N - Thanks Sacha, I missed you too!

Bill - Hi Y/N! *hugs you* I think we all missed you! *cough*

Y/N - Hi Bill, nice to see you again! Down then Tom? No hug?

Just as you finish your sentence he throws himself into your arms before releasing you and kissing your forehead.

Bill and Sacha - Ouhhhhh!!!!

Tom - Stop it you two.

Tom keeps his hand on your waist all the way to your car.
You open it and they put their things in. You sit in the driver's seat and Tom in the passenger seat.
Sacha and Bill are in the back.

Tom - Well, I'm telling you, Y/N is in the star district, with a hell of a place!

Sacha - Oh, I can't wait to see your house!

Y/N - And Tom, you didn't see everything a month ago.

You laugh together and in the rear-view mirror you can see Bill and Sacha touching each other and you swear you saw Bill's hand on Sacha's thigh.

After a few more minutes of driving, you arrive at your destination, open the trunk and close the car.

Sacha - Wow, you live alone in Beverly Hills?

Y/N - And yes!

Bill - Your villa is superb!

Y/N - Thanks, so shall I give you a little house tour?

Bill and Sacha - With pleasure!

You step forward to open your door and turn on the lights, they're both amazed by your home. While they're looking, you talk to Tom in the back.

Y/N - Tom?

Tom - Yes, princess?

Y/N - Stop that! Don't you think there's something going on between Bill and Sacha?

Tom - If I see it, it's obvious.

Y/N - Let's give them a little push, shall we?

Tom - If you want princess. *smiles*

Y/N - You'll never let me go.

Once you've done a tour of the rooms, you get to the basement, but you show them a new room. It was under construction for 2 weeks before it could be opened.

Y/N - So I present to you...The indoor swimming pool!

All - Wow.

Tom - I didn't know you had another room!

Y/N - It was under construction after you left.

You spent the evening drinking, talking about your lives, talking about everything and nothing, but above all you laughed a lot.

Around 1 a.m. you indicate the guest room for Sacha and Bill and go to bed with Tom.
You put on your pyjamas and go to bed.

Tom - Y/N?

Y/N - Yes, Tom?

Tom - Are you and I a couple or not?

Y/N - That's a good question, I don't know, we love each other but we've never made it official, you know?

Tom - So let me ask you a question.

You're stressed, it's true that even after your confession you were never "officially" a couple.
Your hands get sweaty, the pressure mounts.

Tom - Y/N? Do you want to be my girlfriend?

My dearest friend ? Tom Kaulitz. ENGLISH VERSION!!Where stories live. Discover now