Saving Her

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A man was holding the girl, walking with her. They got closer and closer to the edge of the plank, when she no longer had any hope left.

Wilder: Do it, mate!

Just then, he pushed her from behind, falling into the water. As she could barely move and the falling made it even worse, she could not move at all now, letting herself sink. The captain laughed again, John tossing his head back. When he saw a knife in the sheath of the man behind, which was a few inches from his hand, he tried to reach it without anyone noticing.

John: Here we go again...

He took the knife and stabbed that man with his back to him, then he ran away and jumped into the water, after her. He found her and took her in his arms, swimming with her to his ship. The crew helped them aboard, then they sailed further out to sea to escape Wilder. He gently laid her on the floor, placing her head in his lap.

Harris: France! She's back! What do we do now, Captain?
John: She was beaten. We have to call a doctor! She's bleeding.

He lightly stroked her hair as he now had blood on his clothes too.

France: *began to slowly open her eyes, seeing blurry* John?
John:'s gonna be fine, I're gonna be fine. And I'll never let you alone again...

After about an hour, she was lying on the bed in her room, and a doctor bandaged her. When she was all bandaged and dressed, John slowly opened the door and entered the room.

John: She will be fine?
Doctor: Well, yes. She'll be. Fortunately, nothing is broken. It's worse on the legs. You have to put this mixture daily. That, of course, after the bath.
John: Bath?
Doctor: Excuse me sir, aren't you her husband?
John: What? No, I'm not.
Doctor: Boyfriend?
John: No...
Doctor: Does she have any family?
John: Not here...
Doctor: Then you will find a solution...
John: Well, thank you doctor. Here. *gave him a bag of money*
Doctor: Oh, sir. That's way too much.
John: I care...about her. You have no idea how grateful I am that you did this.
Doctor: *smiled* Take care. If you ever need anything else, write me. *he left*

After closing the door, John slowly approached the bed.

John: France?
France: I can't feel my body.
John: I know...but it's okay. You'll be fine, really. The doctor said that... *silence* I thought I lost you forever.
France: We both know you will never lose me. A deal is a deal.
John: Speaking of deals, why did you bargain with Wilder? Why did you do it?
France: You're my captain, John. This is the right thing to do.
John: But you chose me over yourself...
France: I can't explain everything I do. Sometimes, I don't understand myself either.
John: I think you knew exactly what you were doing. We both know.
France: John... This is not okay. It's too complicated. *silence* When I saw you with that woman...
John: That woman...I did that because of you. I wanted to make you jealous and... I wanted to break my feelings for you... but all that time the only thing I had in my mind... was still you. It was like a beautiful nightmare. And I felt like I had no control, no power. I felt weak in front of you.
France: John...
John: That's why trying to stop feeling like that, we always fight. I'm sorry...
France: John! I am sorry. I'm sorry I made you feel that way...and I'm sorry I felt the same as you.
John: You did? *she nodded* We...we can handle it. I'm sure of it.
France: Maybe someday we can be... But now I don't feel ready.
John: *silence* Right...sorry. Sorry I... I can accept that.
France: Thank you.
John: I will...I will let you rest. Maybe you sleep a little. *she smiled, as he arranged her blanket better* We'll talk later...
France: John?
John: Yeah?
France: Thank you... thank you for saving me. Why didn't you give up on me after I told you that?
John: I saw a bruise on you. Then I realized something was wrong...that's it.
France: Thank you... I owe you.
John: You owe me nothing.

He smiled, but this time it was different. His face smiled, but his eyes didn't. After that, he left the room.
A few hours passed, when a knock was heard at the door. Harris entered.

France: Harris, hi!
Harris: I disturb you?
France: No, please, stay... I missed you.
Harris: I missed you too. And I'm so sorry for what happend.
France: It's not your fault. I should have called you as soon as I saw the ship... but I didn't...
Harris: Now the important thing is that you will be fine. *smiled* What I don't understand is what John has. I found him depressed with a bottle of rum in his hand...
France: I rejected him for the second time... or the third.
Harris: But why? I thought you love him.
France: I do! But it's difficult... He has a violent, uncontrolled temper, and if you annoy him, you can get killed. But something is still attractive about him. I don't know if it's the way he looks, or the way he chooses his words... the way he looks into your eyes and makes any lie seem true... It's just... it would be too toxic. We don't really have discussions without arguments...
Harris: I know, but you could at least try... Look, I can't change your thinking... especially after knowing everything he did in his life, but he changed... for you.
France: Yeah... he probably fucked a hundred women while I was gone.
Harris: He didn't. I was with him every hour of the day. All he did was look for you...
France: *sighed* Help me...what should I do?
Harris: Don't think with your mind...think with your heart.
France: *smiled* Thank you!

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