Love Means Freedom

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   It was morning. France slept wrapped in his expensive, feather-soft silk duvet. She woke up, and as she slightly opened her eyelids and turned her head towards his pillow, her smile dropped, cause he wasn't there. She stood up leaning on her hands and called him once by name, but there was no answer. After a few seconds, the door slowly opened, John appearing in the room with a silver tray in his hand with tea and a plate with her breakfast on it. She sighed in relief. Just then, she saw how his serious expression softened and brightened when he looked at her.

John: Oh, good, you woke up. I made your breakfast. Or at least I arranged it and brought it to you...
France: *giggled* Thank you, it's lovely.

   He put the tray on the bedside table and sat next to her on the edge of the bed as she sipped from her cup of tea.

John: Did you call me?
France: Yeah, doesn't matter...
John: In an hour we reach the shore.
France: Oh, where are we going? *smiled*
John: Your home.
France: *suddenly, her smile dropped* Wh-what?
John: Yes. I'll let you go...
France: But...but why?
John: Because I care. I never cared that much before... that's why I can't keep you stuck here... You're young...the world is waiting for you.
France: John, how much did you drink? I don't wanna go... I never thought that a place that felt like a prison could make me feel like I'm home one day. But I do feel it...with you.
John: You told me before that love means freedom... and you were right. So I give you the freedom.
France: I can't believe you're doing that again... After the kiss you pretended not to remember...
John: France—
France: And now you're kicking me off the fucking ship!
John: France! I don't wanna do this! I want you here!
France: Then why are you doing this?!
France: Wh-what? M-my father?

   He got up gasping, opened the desk drawer and took a letter. He sat down on the edge of the bed again and handed it to her, as she took it hesitantly.

France: What's this?
John: Open it.
France: *she opened it and started to read* He knows I'm with you...
John: Apparently he asked several people about you and someone who was at that ball told him you were with me... *silence, as she continued reading* If I don't bring you back to that shore in a week, he will look for us and kill me... Today is the last day.
France: He will come too... Dylan... *silence* I will talk to him! It's about me, so I have the right to speak!
John: And what will you say? "I wanna stay with the one who kidnapped me?"
France: Yeah...let's skip that part. Just, promise me that we can be together.

He placed his hand on her cheek and smiled warmly at her, finally feeling that he was loved by someone. And that someone looked at him begging with bright, hopeful eyes.

John: *whispered* I promise.

Her expression changed, his answer putting a smile on her face. He suddenly kissed her, without another word, without another breath. He simply needed this. Needed her. Even after that promise, he wasn't sure they would see each other again, because, after all, her father wasn't just any pirate...and he knew who he was dealing with.
After an hour, the ship reached the shore and when she got off, her father and Dylan were there. She was happy to see her father again, as she ran into his arms. John approached slowly.

France: Father!
Frederick: France! Oh, my France!
Dylan: France!

At that moment, he suddenly pulled her close to him and kissed her lips, but after a few seconds she backed away. At that moment John was boiling inside him and lost his temper, but he didn't want to show that part of him in front of her father.

Frederick: What happend? Why did you run away?
France: Can I talk to you for a minute? Alone...
Frederick: Uh, sure.
France: You two... try not to kill each other...
Dylan: It's tempting... and very complicated.
John: Oh, really? Do you wanna see what's not complicated for me?
France: John, please!

   He sighed as France and her father boarded the ship so they could talk alone.

Frederick: What happend, France? How could you agree to be in his crew?
France: I'm not in his crew, father...I love him.
Frederick: *he widened his eyes* And what about Dylan?
France: I never loved Dylan... Look, I did a bad thing in the past that is hard for me to fix now... I only wanted to be with him for his money. I was sorry to see that you and mother suffered so much because of poverty... I'm so sorry... I know what I did is not good. But I'm not like that, really.
Frederick: I know's okay. And how did you meet John?
France: In a tavern. Dylan used to be violent with me so John was my only escape. I didn't use him, he came to me. We talked and I liked him...then we ran away. I'm sorry that I didn't visit you and mom.
Frederick: And all the money we received?
France: Are from John.
Frederick: Tell him that we thank him, but not to give us any more. We will manage.
France: *nodded* I'm sorry father... I'm a horrible person...
Frederick: No, you're not. You wanted the best for us. And even if Dylan was violent, as you said, you stayed with him so that we could have a good life. But know that John is not much better. It can't be. He's a pirate.
France: You mean like you. Yes, I discovered. I was looking for a treasure with John and when I opened it I saw that you put it in that cave.
Frederick: "The Red Eye"... I can't believe you took it. Even I couldn't.
France: Well, two people I love are pirates. *smiled* Father, please...I wanna be with him.
Frederick: Are you sure sweetheart? I didn't want you to be with him because I know how I am. I know what I am...and I don't want someone like me for you.
France: I'm sure.

When they got off the ship, Dylan and John were smoking cigars.

Dylan: You know? This thing is actually surprisingly exciting. I have never tried it before...
John: *pet him on the shoulder* Welcome to real world, mate. Do you know what rum is?
Dylan: *laughed* You're quite funny... mate.
Frederick: I decided. You can go.
Dylan: Sorry for you... but it was to be expected that you wouldn't stand a chance against me... I liked our little interaction. I'll keep the cigar.
Frederick: Not
Dylan: Wh-what?! But...
Frederick: You are not worthy of my daughter. You're an idiot.
Dylan: But you love me, France! Say that to your father!
France: I never loved you.
Dylan: Fuck you all! *left*
John: Thank you, Frederick! Thank you for understanding.
Frederick: You know my name?
John: I was your fan actually. I've followed your career.
Frederick: That's amazing... *he took his sword out of its sheath and pointed it at him* Give me one good reason not to kill you!
France: FATHER!
John: I love her. And even if normally I would have fought...*he took the sword from the sheath and threw it on the ground* I will not fight with her father in this way. I am willing to fight only with words when it comes to you.
Frederick: Hm... I heard you're good at fighting... *silence* truly love her?
John: *nodded* I do.
Frederick: *he put his sword back* You're lucky my girl loves you back. Fine, you can be together.
France: *smiled* Thank you, father!
Frederick: But as far as I know my daughter, you would have been anyway without my consent.

They both giggled. She stared at John then took him in her arms, he taking her back, gently resting his chin on her head.
Her father no longer cared about who he was, or what reputation he had...but about the fact that he made his daughter happy. And that made him happy too.

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