✪y/n kaulitz ✪

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*you turned around to look Tom straight in the eyes *

At one point when you were looking at him it was like you were looking into a devil's eyes... And you had to do anything he said or you would be killed..

*You stood aside putting your head down causing Tom to smirk and then walk up to Rachel *

I'm sorry father... -Rachel said

I'm not mad I'm impressed your barely 15 and you killed someone not even your mom can do that! -Tom said

About that... -You said nervously stepping aside from Victorias body


Yeah! -You said

I have never been so proud of you motherfucking y/l/n! -Tom said picking you up

Call me y/n. Y/n Kaulitz -you said to Tom

Finally! You accepted to be called y/n kaulitz! -Tom said

*A few months passed and Rachel had to go to school now *

Thanks for driving me to school dad! -Rachel said

No problem! I'll see you later ok? -Tom said

K bye dad! -Rachel said

Bye! -Tom said

Rachel's P.O.V.

It was my first day here I'm nervous... I mean I was on the news since I killed Camilla but I guess I'll be ok...

I walked in and a lot of people started staring at me some girls started giggling and at one point they said

"Rachel's a Killer!! Killer killer!!" -one of the girls said

I ignored them mostly because they still don't even know who my father is but I just ignored them and didn't care about them staring and staring!

One girl threw a spitball at me and I got mad but I wasn't trying to become my father on the first day of school so I kept it calm

Leah stop! -one girl shouted at the girl that threw me a spitball

Sorry about them they're always like this... I'm Valerie! Valerie Hudgens! -she said

I'm Rachel! Rachel Kaulitz-i whispered kaulitz to he because everyone would be scared of me if I said my last name so I just whispered

Wait like Tom kaulitz!? -Valerie Whispered

Yup! -I said

Your lucky your dad is famous and also scary at the same time! -Valerie said

I wouldn't say lucky I'm just gifted! -I said

You should tell your Family about Leah! And he would come an Leah would legit piss her pants! She's mostly scared of the Kaulitz Family! -Valerie said

Yeah you have a point! But I don't want people to be that scared of me tho! -I said

It's alright! They will mostly listen to you and treat you kindly because of your family! - Valerie said

Plus it is bring your family day tomorrow! -Valerie said

Ok I'll see! -I said

✪𝐈 𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮 (𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐊𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳)✪Where stories live. Discover now