✪Dont touch her !✪

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*you didn't smile all day because of what you saw *

What's Wrong mom??? -Rachel Asked

Nothing ...-You said

Mom I know when something is wrong ...what happened? -Rachel said

Nothing Rachel I'm fine!.. -You said

I'm calling for backup. -Rachel said grabbing her phone and calling somebody

*Laila comes in busting the door open*


Shes upset and won't tell me why! -Rachel said

Ok what in the world happened boo?-Laila asked you

it's just... that I saw Tom with another girl this morning... ! -You said with a sharp pain in your voice 

What's her name? -Rachel asked

Amelia Listing!! -Valerie said busting in

Related to Georg Listing the Bassist in your fathers band she has brown eyes and brown hair! -Valerie said

How in the world did you figure that? I didn't even tell you her name..?-You said

That's a Secret we are saving for another day!-Valerie said

Ok I guess.. -You said

Well look who the cat brought in ! -Laila said looking out the window

Who is it?.. - you asked

Tom backstabbing Kaulitz ! -Laila said

Uh uh I'm going back in my room!.. -you said going into your room and locking it

Hey guys?. -Tom said

Hello Tom . -They all said

Where's Y/n? -Tom asked

Why do you need to know? -Laila said

Yeah don't you have that Chick ? -Rachel said

What chick? What are you talking about??-Tom said nervous

Tell him Val -Rachel said

Hmm let's see ... Amelia Listing!! -Valerie said

Where's y/n!!! -Tom said starting to yell

We are not telling you!!! -Laila said

Tell me right now !!!! -Tom yelled

No!! -Rachel yelled

Rachel don't yell at me!!!-Tom shouted

I can do anything I want!! I'm 15! Deal with it!!! I'm not 5 Anymore!!! -Rachel yelled

I don't care!!! Tell me where your mother is right now!!!-Tom yelled

Don't yell at her !!! -Valerie said

She's my Daughter I can yell at her no matter what!!! -Tom shouted

stop yelling then!!!-Laila said

Shut up Laila!!! -Tom said slapping Laila

DONT TOUCH HER YOU MOTHER FUCKING ASSHOLE!! -you yelled coming out of your room and slapping him

WHAT THE HECK!!-Tom yelled

You deserve it!!! -Rachel said

OH MY FUCKING GOD! -Tom shouted and grabbed your wrist tight

Let go of me!!!-You said

*Tom threw you in his car and slammed the door *

*You crossed you arms still all angry *

*Tom got in the car and started driving to his place*

✪𝐈 𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮 (𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐊𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳)✪Where stories live. Discover now