Chapter 7: Gabriella Jordan

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"Olympia, I'm sorry. I can't just come running to you when you are having an issue."

"What else would you be doing, Gabriella?"

I like the way Roman says my name much better.

"I'm actually at lunch with someone right now. Figure this one out for yourself."

"Fine," I'm one hundred percent sure that she's rolling her eyes right now, "but next time, you better stop what you're doing and come help me."

It's as if she thinks that even though she's never done anything like that for me, I'm going to stop my life for something as dumb as going to the grocery store with her so she doesn't have to be alone. 

I understand that going to the grocery store by yourself isn't the best thing to do, but she has no actual reason for me to go with her besides the fact that she just doesn't want to "look stupid" walking around by herself. That doesn't seem like a reason to leave my lunch with Roman. 

Maybe I'm being cruel, but acting as though I care about anything she says while being her supportive human isn't something I want to do today. 

I know that the grocery store she goes to in the city allows a person to bring in their emotional support animal, which she has, so I'm confused why she even needs me to go. Isn't that what the dog is for? I don't even know.

"What's going on?" Roman asks me with a concerned look in his eyes.

"My sister. She's just being pushy," I explain with a shrug.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I lay my head on my hand, staring out the window.

What's the harm in telling him? If he's going to be spending time with me, he's eventually going to meet her. And he's also going to want to know the full story of what happened at the bar a couple of nights ago. He'll understand better if he has the background information. I honestly should just tell him.

"She's one of those people that doesn't want to do anything by herself. I don't know why, but that's just part of her, I guess. Anyway, she just called and asked me if I could go grocery shopping with her. I said no, and she got mad."

He doesn't reply for a moment as if he's carefully forming his question.

"Does she do this a lot?" he finally questions me.

"What? Ask me to do stuff with her so she doesn't have to be alone?"


"Sort of. I mean, it's mostly if her friends aren't around, I don't know. We have an odd relationship."

He hums in reply, just gazing softly at me.

"Does that bother you, little dove?"

Little dove. I've never heard a more beautiful nickname, and I'm surprised he's dedicated it to me. How did he came up with it? I have no idea, but I don't know if I want an answer to how. I like just knowing that the nickname is mine.

"Yeah, sometimes. I always feel like a backup or something. But she also annoys me, so it's not like I want to spend a ton of time with her. I wish I had a better answer for you."

"You don't have to please me with your answers, Gabriella-" Yeah, that's how my name should sound "-I care about what you have to say."

He would be one of the first. I spent my whole college career studying and graduating as an English Literature major fighting for a space to speak. And he wants to hear every detail. It's so easy with him. I don't have to try to be anything besides myself. It's the oddest feeling I've ever had.

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