Chapter 30: Roman Grant

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Back in Westmoor Two Days Later:

I didn't have plans to propose to Gabby at Julian and Elena's wedding. Me proposing to her wasn't going to be in the cards for our relationship until later on, but something changed after the bachelorette party night. 

It was like I knew exactly what I needed to do. Being engaged doesn't mean we have to get married right away, so I'm not concerned about the timeline. It's going to take a while to plan this wedding knowing Gabby's decision-making skills anyway. 

When I realized how much I wanted to spend my life with her, I had to tell someone. It couldn't be Felix or Camilla because both of them are complete blabbermouths, my parents were also not an option for obvious reasons, and I didn't want to tell anyone from the Devil's Rose MC because well, they are in a different time zone. 

It's a dumb reason to not call and tell anyone from DR, but I didn't want to wake them up. And, they also can't stop themselves from sharing that information with everyone. It would have been difficult to hide it from Gabby. Julian was kind of my only option. 

I had to get it out. I called him, telling him that I had some information to share, and we headed out for a drink at a local bar. He was worried that something was wrong, but he could tell that wasn't it when he saw my face. 

He said that my eyes had pure clarity to them whatever the fuck that means, but I guess he was right. I had never known anything more clear than knowing that I wanted to marry Gabby. There was no doubt in my mind.


"I think I know what you're going to say, but I wanna hear you say it."

"I don't want to impede on your week. That's not what this is about. I'm not trying to steal your thunder. If anything, keep this between you and Elena."

"Like you could ever steal our thunder. Please, don't think so highly of yourself, man," Julian teases.

"Sorry, sorry," I reply with my hands up in a surrender position.

"Anyway, continue, brudda."

Oh, great. Elena heard Gabby's weird shit on the phone.

"I want to get married to Gabriella. I don't know when or how, but I know that I want to be married to her."

"Elena and I knew that was coming. We hoped that you would maybe say something to one of us."

That's an odd reply to what I just admitted to him.

"Okay? I'm confused."

"Would you want to propose to her at our wedding?"

"Are you fucking crazy, Julian? Who would say yes to that question? As much as you think I am, I'm not a fucking jackass."

"I don't think you're a jackass. We were hoping you would say yes to that question. And we're all fucking crazy."

I ask the bartender for a shot of whiskey.

"Why would you do that?"

"We see the love you two have for one another. We want you to celebrate your love with us."

"But it doesn't have to be at your wedding."

"We want to be there when you propose, and we both know you aren't going to wait until we come back from Sweden. There's no better time than the present. All of us are here. Why not?"

"Because it's your wedding day."

"It is, so you have to do what the bride and groom say. If you want to propose in four days that is."

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