Chapter 21: Gabriella Jordan

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I don't why Roman lets me talk for so long. He doesn't seem to mind it, but I'm used to people being tired and shutting me up already. He could be tired of me, but at least he's pretending like he isn't. He just let me talk and talk and talk. 

I honestly don't remember what I've talked about so far, but I'm hoping nothing too embarrassing. Or maybe I did talk about an embarrassing part of my life, and he forgets it the same way I forgot that I even said it. That works out too. 

We're sitting in silence now, all of my thoughts have run out and the people around us and their chatting disappearing too. My back is pressing to his chest, one of his arms wrapping tightly around my waist to keep me close to him and the other supporting his leaning body in the grass. 

I place my head on his upper chest, gathering warmth from him even though he's already wrapped me up in his jacket. I trace the tattoos lining his arm and fingers with one of my soft hands while my left-hand points up toward the sky, showing him the rare shooting stars that pass by in the night sky.

"Do you want to dance with me?"

"What?" I choke out, turning my head up to see his face.

"I'm asking you if you want to dance with me, little dove."

"There's no music."

"If that's the only thing stopping you, I have just the right thing to change your mind," he boasts in pure confidence.

Reaching into his back pocket carefully to not release his delicate hold on me, he pulls out his phone and begins scrolling through his music. He finds the song that he wants, turning up the volume, so that we can both hear it. 

He starts to stand up, of course, making sure that I'm stable enough on the ground to not fall over when he does stand. He sticks out his hand toward me with the tilt of his head, and I cannot deny him. I beam up at him, take his hand, and let him pull me to my feet. 

He wraps one arm around my waist, his hand clasping mine, and I pretty much can no longer think. He doesn't take his eyes off me while we sway. His touch is gentle and his strength surrounds me.

How I walked this earth without him, I don't know. There are a million things that don't make any sense to me. I'm sure I say "I don't know" in my head about a thousand times a day. I feel like sometimes I'm more lost and confused than I am knowledgeable about my life and where I'm going in it. 

But every moment with Roman, there's no questioning. I mean sure, I ask myself where we are going from here. I wonder if I should tell him that I'm falling in love with him. 

But I never have to wonder what I feel when I'm with him. I never have to wonder whether or not I want to spend my life with him. I never have to wonder if I'm going into a situation I'm not prepared for. 

And that's all because he makes sense. He makes all the sense in the world. Being with him is easy. He's not harsh or demanding or judgmental. He takes me as I am.

I don't have to question every move I make or how I say things. I can just live.

Even though the music cuts to something different, we don't let go of each other. He cradles me so tenderly in his arms it's like I'm a piece of fine china. He stares deep into my eyes, and I drown in his gaze. He means the world to me. He is my world at this point. I can admit that it's early to be so certain about my feelings for him. 

It's not normal to be so deeply in love with someone after just a few days, but my mind, body, and soul are all telling me that this is the man for me. And those three things rarely ever agree within me, so this has got to be special and real. It feels right, and it feels good, and I don't want to feel this way for anyone else.

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