m/n past

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He don't know how or why but one day he was just their. He opened his eyes and he just existed.

He existed in nothing. Seemingly the only other being was..chaos.

Yes Chaos and mercy..that's who m/n was he was mercy..humanity..what was humanity?

What was mercy?

From chaos came..Gaia..erebus..and nyz.

Earth..underground darkness..and night.

Yes..that's what they were.

Why can't they communicate? Could they not see m/n?...was he..real?







Cronus..cronus. cronus..saw him.

"What are you?" He asked as m/n looked up at him looking around slowly, looking down before looking back up.

"I'm..mercy.. I'm the god of mercy."

"Oh..what's that?"

"..I don't know."

Rhea..cronus made..children with Rhea.

They made..gods. hades..

"Your like my uncle?" Hades asked.

"I'm..the father of..humanity. God of..mercy."

"So..not my uncle?"


Zeus..Zeus killed cronus.

"Why did you..do that?"

"Was him or me."


Gods made things. God made more gods.

Gods made humans.


"Your a god?" Adam asked.

"I'm god of mercy."

"What's your name?"

"I'm father of humanity."


"..I don't have a name."

"Oh..what if I called you..m/n?"

"..m/n..." he looked at the sky before looking back at him smiling. "I'm m/n."

"Why are you sad?"

Adam looked at him. "I'm not sure."

M/n thought a minute. Rhea made cronus not sad. He picked up some ashes blowing the making a..woman..a human like Adam.

"Another human?" Adam asked.

"Love.." he said smiling as he fades away. He'd give him love for a name.

Gods were horrible..

He walked up to Adam and eve placing his hands on each of their shoulders.

"You will not harm my humans. I will show you no mercy if you harm my humans." He said as he faded away.

He loved humans.

He danced with them

Sung with them

Laughed with them

Why do humans die so young?

"Adam..why are you not waking. It's only been a few decades."

"M/n we don't live like you..we aren't blessed."


Living so long is not a blessing.

Humans deserve death

They deserve the peace of it

No more hurting. 

Maybe he can..die to.

Just don't talk

Just watch

Just fade

Just hide

M/n is dead.

"Goodbye mercy"

"Goodbye m/n rest now."

"Goodbye our dear god."

"Goodbye father of humanity"

This was a old writing..um don't know why I went a little emo but! Anyways this is kinda like a basic(emo) explanation about m/ns coming as who he is, why he's so known but not known, and also why he is rather feared to say. One someone who answers to no one.

Mercy{record of ragnarok gods x god reader}Where stories live. Discover now