chapter 1

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Ragnarok. We're humans fight gods for their right to live.

As the second battle commenced it was a hard battle to say who would win.




What felt like hours was maybe only a few mear minutes. And in the end when Zeus fell the crowd was silent. While Zeus may of fell to his knees that day he did not lose.

Adam was dead. His body failed him and he died standing in place. Tears fell from some, others couldn't even process what happened yet. But all payed attention to the wind blowing, and the body forming.

From the green shards of death fell from the sky forming a body that walked from the side lines towards Zeus and Adam.

It started from the torso spreading all over their body. This being, this god was not like others. He had s/c skin and h/l h/c hair styled like h/sy(hair style). His e/c eyes filled with so much sorrow. He walked up to Adam and cupped his face.

"My dear child.." he said as Adam's body began to break and shatter into those green shards like glass. "Let me show you mercy." He said sadly as the shards lifted to the sky fading away.

M/n turned to Zeus. "Zeus.." he said as his hair floated up and his body turned into a shadow. His body a black void as his eyes and mouth were endless white voids. "Zeus!"

His hand enlarged dramatically as he picked up Zeus throwing him. "MERCY!" The god screeched before his shadow body pushed to the ground and disappeared, making him completely disappear as well.

Heimdall was as silent as the crowd for a while before he finally made his announcment. "I-.." he went to say but pause. "Round two winners the gods!" He said with not nearly as much excitement as the first round.

Zeus rose from the ground leaving a print of his body, hilarious but also fearsome. He looked at Heimdall with a look not to ignore.

He wanted heimdall to keep his mouth shut about that god. At least for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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