Siblings trip

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Appearing cookies: Moonlight Cookie, Stardust Cookie
Human AU?
C/W: Spoilers of CRK Adventure Episode 15-16, major flashbacks, violence
Experimenting: 1st POV

Words: 921

I love Stardust Cookie's story and his relationship with Moonlight! Even with Space Doughnut and Milky Way later on!
I hope there will be a City of Wizards pt.2 though; I want to see Sugar Glass and Amber Sugar after they left the city... Amber Sugar is literally my fav CROB character after Fire Spirit, so it's kinda sad that he's only mentioned, not released.


I break my eyes from the travel brochures and magazines scattered on the table and lean onto the windowsill, gazing at the sky of day. Today is a fine day, the sun shines just right, and the puffy white clouds are just in the right number to adorn the cerulean background. Whether it is day or night, the sky never fails to mesmerize me. There are just so many things up there, breathing like we do, living like we do, wondering if there are extraterrestrial beings like we do.

And seeking out the purpose of existence like we do.

Well, not like what we ALL do. Not everyone of us questions existence itself, but surely, there are ones like me, plagued with that one thought my whole life.

Suddenly I feel a weight placed on my left shoulder. Moonlight has fallen asleep since the beginning of the trip, but she has been so good at keeping her posture upright that only five hours later that she needs a cushion for her head. She enjoys sleeping the way I love stargazing so much, and it only dawned on us lately that those were our hobbies, so we're trying our best to make up for the lost years, both in spending time together and doing what we truly like.

What's with my depressing tone of speech, you ask? It's safe to blame it on our... creators.

We both are homunculi - humans born unnaturally in test tubes of a lad of sorts. I am a few years older and was basically the scientists' guinea pig. They wanted to create a perfect human being by gathering all elite characteristics into one - intelligence, strength, public presentation and whatnot, adding that to a program just to tune that perfection ever since my birth. However, no matter what I did, there always seemed to be something... not right, imperfect. Perhaps it was due to the material that gave me life, perhaps it was the program to blame, I don't know. How should I? I grew up in an environment where all I had to do was to obey and perfect.

Before I knew it - not that I cared at that point - Moonlight was born, better tuned, better raised. Deeming that they had learned enough from me, I no longer had a use.

Ten years later, I returned to that same lab already abandoned, head filled with revenge, with me lost souls like myself on the way to destruction. Getting through the tiny security guard Milky Way was easy, nor can the librarian Blueberry Pie, as headstrong as she was, be a worthwhile challenge. Moonlight had become the director of the lab, and she... somehow recognized me. She confronted me, and I swear I was swayed, yet I could not undo my actions. The least I could do, however, was to somehow reverse it - I stood by her side, with her little lab assistants, fighting back what was supposed to be my allies. Saying they were mad is an understatement, and I understood that I've as good as betrayed them at that point, but at least, I've run away safely.

Then there was just me, and the collapsing empty lab room, the same room that used to be my entire world.

It should be my end. My whole life was meaningless, anyway.

That's when she rushed in. Moonlight, she dragged me out, saying that she was worried... about me.

The first time we actually met went like that. Depressing and overwhelming with emotions.

I left after taking a night's break in the ruins, before sunrise of the following day - she was still asleep, anyway - and just sort of wandered about. I later learned from Milky Way that Moonlight slept for a week straight after that, which made me feel bad and... here we are.

None of us are to blame - if anything, I'm in the wrong here, but I intend to mend things back. We've lacked so much time together, so as soon as I could, I arranged a trip to the sea, figuring that Moonlight would need her sleep, and I was right.

Maybe that is her impure part - her imperfection - she is just good at making it up with something else.

Moonlight stirs and groggily opens her eyes.

"Stardust, what's with the long face?"

"Nothing, I'm just... remembering stuff. I'm glad we're going on this trip."

"That's right." she giggles, "I can't believe how good sleeping for such a long period is. They never let me sleep outside of the designated night-hours so I had to sleepwalk all the time. That's reaaaally uncomfortable."

"Isn't sleeping on a bus of a road trip with my shoulder as a pillow too?" I questions.

"No, silly, it's way better. The atmosphere, the little rumbling of wheels, and it's you, not those guys who just HAVE to wake me up 'on time'. Besides, I was having a nice dream. There's this beautiful sea nymph with a sword - no, she's STUNNING, but she looks so sad all the time. She rises up from the waves, half her body made from the sea itself, and the moon is shining down on her and the stars sparkle as if giving her the galaxy. She gives me her hand to take and tries her coral hair adornment, saying that it looks cute on me..." Moonlight blushes at that part, "Do you think I'll get to see her tonight?"

"Knowing you, that nymph would come sooner or later," I smile, "We're free to live our own lives now, so why not get yourself that pretty girlfriend?"

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