The Time Phantom

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I've been thinking of this oneshot ever since getting into CROB and seeing Walnut and Roguefort's costume set. Like they actually match??
Also, just a heads up: in this fanfic specifically, Phantom Bleu is a they/them and Roguefort is referred to as a he/him

Walnut rushed out from the mansion, panting. How could she have missed the hint!? By now, she had gotten all too used to Phantom Bleu's antics, way more than her father could, from the little clues they always hid somewhere amongst those overly fanciful, somewhat meaningless words of their calling card, to the miniature slips they seldom made in their act of disguise, and of course, the way they made their entrance and exit. She had tracked down every single one of them, yet more usual than most, she came at the last minute before they fled from the scene, leaving her with a familiar frustration. At best, she may retrieve the stolen item, and in worse cases, she unknowingly took part in a comedy show she wanted to end so badly. To apprehend them became her utmost goal, not unlike the one her father had on putting the use of magic at the Institute of Parfaedia under control.

Yet she just missed a major hint that could've changed everything.

As usual, Phantom Bleu's calling card was sent in her mailbox. Ever since they recognized Walnut as a worthwhile opponent to tease, they always sent in two copies, one for the fateful target, and one directed to her. She skimmed through it, quickly deciphered their message (which meant an entire day of scribbling into her notepad), and headed to the said building. It was an abandoned mansion - a weird choice this time, she first noted. Normally, they'd prefer grand balls or parties with as many guests as possible to put on that magic show of theirs, then majestically dissolve into the glory of the spotlight in front of the awe of that great audience.

She checked her wristwatch. Midnight was nearing. They must be lurking in the shadows somewhere close right now.

She knocked on the gate of the mansion, expecting no answer, yet very slowly, the doors crept open. Walnut invited herself into the dusty, cobweb-decored building. It was like a small labyrinth, with its stairs and hallways. She made a quick sketch of its layout and settled by the highest balcony.

"Hello there, detective~"

Phantom Bleu came at around the same time they had announced beforehand, yet Walnut couldn't help but realize the alternations to their attire. It adopted a darker tone, and their smile was somewhat more solemn rather than playful, which worried her to an extent she didn't know it could.

"Hm, you seem awfully quiet today. Is my location not interesting enough for our next duel?"

She snapped out of her trance.

"Stop voicing this as if it's a game. I'm being serious here. I WILL apprehend you, and that's final, no matter what you're planning to dig up here," she crossed her arms, "This is a public property, currently belonging to the Parfaedia authorities. As a detective AND a Parfaedian, I won't allow you to do that!"

"I'd love to see you try, little detective," any traces of melancholy vanished from their face, lightened by the mischievous she was unconsciously looking forward to, "How about this? There's something I want in this house, and there's you, who doesn't want me to have it, so let this be a race. You and I, in this building forsaken by this entire prosperous city. What do you say?"

"I won't lose," she replied.

"Good. See you when the moon dies!"

A perfectly timed smoke bomb exploded by the balcony. Coughing and squinting her eyes, she caught a glimpse of Phantom Bleu leaning backward with their arms spread. She knew that they would not die - Phantom Bleu was way too good at getting out of difficult situations for that, so she rushed back inside instead, holding her breath so she made as little redundant sound as possible, her eyes scanning for any, ANY signs of their set-up activities.

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