02 | First Day In Hell

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Thankfully, it was the next day. I got halfway unpacked before falling asleep in my new house.

I groaned as I didn't want to get out of bed. But I forced myself to get up. Being late certainly wouldn't be a good impression..but I didn't give a fuck, I just didn't want my mom to yell at me.

I throw on a pretty basic outfit. I wore a Korn t-shirt with black jeans. I brushed my hair and put on some eyeliner. Now I was ready for hell.


My first period was study hall, which wasn't too bad. There wasn't much to say except I met a few kids who greeted me.

The bell rang before I knew it, and I went on my way to second period. My second period class was art. I'm thankful that the beginning of my day isn't terrible. I don't think I'd have enough brain cells for anything else.

I walked into art and saw a pair of twins. They were cute, I couldn't deny that. They kind of dressed like me, too. I saw a brown haired boy sitting next to them.

I found an empty seat across from them and sat down. I smiled at them, and they both smiled back. One of my friends from my study hall earlier came up to me. "How about you come sit with us?" She'd ask.

"I think I'm okay here." I'd shrug.

"No, these are where the weird kids sit. Seriously, come on." She would grab my arm and drag me over to her table. I was starting to think my new friend wasn't an actual friend.

I sigh and kind of Daze off for the rest of that period.

Hell was over pretty quickly.

When I got home, I couldn't stop thinking about the twins. I wanted to be their friend so desperately. They were different.. and I liked that.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad in Orange County. Maybe I'd find more people like me.


ik these first few chapters a bit short but I promise longer ones are coming soon. also I'm sorry if it's bad it's literally 2am

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