03 | Fuckface

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On the second day of school, I was excited to see the twins again. I knew I needed to get closer to them.

I walked into art class feeling better this time. I don't care if my fake friend tries to argue about sitting with them. She doesn't control my life or who I choose to sit with. Seriously, is this mean girls?

I sat across from them again. I was waiting for my "friend" kaitlynn to come up from behind me. She did.

"Come sit with us y/nnn," she giggled.

"I think I'm gonna sit here today." I smiled, knowing this would piss her off.

She shot me a dirty look before finally leaving me alone.

I'd mumble "fuckface" just quiet enough so she couldn't hear me. I looked across from me.

"Hi, I'm y/n." I'd say with a smile.

"I'm wyatt," the twin with black hair would say.

"I'm fletcher," the twin with blonde hair would add.

"Uhhh, and I'm slater." The brown haired boy from yesterday introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you all." I'd smile a little. "I'm sorry about kaitlynn.. I'm not really friends with her." I'd shrug. "I'm new if you couldn't tell." I'd smile a bit.

"That's okay, we're all kind of used to it by now." Fletcher shrugged and had a sort of sour look on his face.

"I'm sorry. You really shouldn't have to deal with that." I'd say as the art teacher walked into the room.

Our art teacher was..  a bit unhinged, could say. Although Mrs Zhang was my favorite teacher so far.

"Alright, students." She walked up the whiteboard at the front of the classroom. "Your assignment today is to create a sketch using a reference. You can use anything in the school. It is due by Monday."

I grabbed my notebook from my bookbag by my feet. I put the notebook on the wooden table in front of us. I glanced around the room carefully, thinking about what I'd create a sketch of. But I soon realized that the perfect reference was right in front of me. Wyatt and Fletcher.

I clicked my mechanical pencil and started to draw silently. The two twins watched as I did so. "What are you drawing?" Wyatt would ask in a gentle voice. It'd be the first time he spoke to me.

"You and Fletch." I replied and smiled a little.

"Already giving me a nickname?" Fletcher would ask.

I'd shrug. "Perhaps.." I'd giggle afterward.

"Well, after school we're all going to the fair. Care to join us?" He'd ask.

"I mean, I have nothing else to do." I sketched the outline of Fletcher, occasionally glancing up at him. It was nice. He made me feel really welcome. Slater was pretty quiet, probably wary of strangers. Wyatt was just shy.

"Great. 6?" He'd ask.

"It works."

After some time passed, the dismissal bell rung.

As I walked out, I could see Fletcher smile and elbow Wyatt in the ribcage.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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