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[ thursday ]

MALAISA LET OUT AN obnoxious laugh as she rocked her body in the all white classy looking rolling chair that sat at her vanity. she was in a group facetime call with annaleise and sydney as they all got ready for another day of school.

they were so thankful the week was almost over with, cause it felt like ever since malaisa and notti finally got together and popped out the same day, it's been extra annoying at school. everybody tryna put her in their videos, make tiktoks with her- which she didn't mind. it just got annoying cause then bitter girls, start random arguments,  dudes tryna holla at her causing notti to almost get fucking suspended.

basically, a whole lotta whole lotta been surrounding the two. the whole crew was feeling heat. dd couldn't go anywhere without a nigga trying to tell him about his girl, some random always seemed to have some story to tell sydney about dd, and motha fuckas was just hating on ddot and annaleise for literally no damn reason.

at first, everyone could admit it was overwhelming. now though, they were cracking the fuck up and genuinely living their best damn lives. they knew what they were getting into and knew it was bound to happen sooner or later so they weren't tripping off of it for too long.

"sydney you not gon keep playing with my brother now." she laughed holding her stomach leaning back in her seat.

"no have you seen her though lai she actually pretty how did nysir pull her?" annaleise added laughing hard as hell and malaisa took a deep breath.

"no cause i'm dead about to show you her cause how the fuck?" sydney dragged as she sent malaisa a video attachment of the girl nysir popped out with.

she leaned down to grab her phone off her makeup bag that she had it propped on and clicked on the video attachment. her jaw slightly dropped as she saw the girl was actually good looking.

 her jaw slightly dropped as she saw the girl was actually good looking

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