𝟐𝟔 || 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐝𝐞

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He doesn't care, He never did. I was just a silly game and that's all i was. I don't even know what i was thinking, I craved him so much but i know we could never be together, We can't be together.

My door opens and i expect it to be Enzo coming to apologise for his actions and words, Not that i would forgive him.

Alice comes and jumps on my bed "So you going to the game today?" She had a big grin on her face as she asked.

"Yes.. Why?" I knew she was trying to set me up with Omar and me being stupid i haven't rejected him yet like i should, Maybe it's not a bad idea after all to see how things go with him.

"Well we always go to the game.. Omar he'll be playing." She twirls her blonde hair around her pointer finger and avoids eye contact because she already knows how i'm going to answer her.

But i surprise her with my answer. "Nice. It'll be good for me to see someone."

Her eyes widen and she grabs my arm "Wait, Really?"

"Yeah." My voice is slightly high pitched.

"Good. You two will be so good for each other." Alice walked over to her mirror and started straightening her hair, She was getting better at walking again after what had happened, Well she just wanted to be pushed around in a wheel chair longer.

"What should i wear to the game?" She grabs her dresses out her closet and throws them onto the bed "I haven't worn a dress in ages so it's a definite."

I made a 'hmm' noise "This one." I pick out the light purple skirt that matched with a white shirt.

"I love it." She pauses for a second "What will you be wearing?"

"I don't know yet, I haven't really thought about it."

Alice laughs "The Delle Rosso hasn't thought about what she's going to wear to the game? Yeah right."

I laugh with her shocked that i actually didn't think about it, Usually it's always the first thing on my mind but i have bigger things on my mind now than what i'm going to wear to a game.

"I'll probably wear something basic and easy."

Alive bites her bottom lip and squints her eyes "Your lying?"

"No..." Everything awkwardly silent "Why would i be lying?"

Alice shrugs while trying not to offend me "You always wear the best outfits, At school, Every room we're in, Your like known for your amazing outfits. It would be weird seeing you basic."

"Fine. I'll go grab something now." I go into my closet, Yes i have a closet at Alice's house with clothes. I'm here so much and we grew up together so Jean and Lacey thought it was a good idea.

I'm going to wear black long boots, A really concerning short denim plated skirt with a black tight long sleeved shirt. It may sound concerning and weird but it looks so good.

I grab my blush and sit in front of Alice's makeup mirror as i apply it "Do you ever get confused how you feel about someone?"

"What do you mean." Alice said as she pulled a chair and sat beside me, Also applying her makeup.

𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐢𝐦Where stories live. Discover now