𝟐𝟗 || 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮

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I held her small body in my arms, She laid there so innocently. I know i've hated her my entire life and fuck i still hate most the things she does but moments like these.. You can see behind the walls she has up, She's so innocent in my arms right now when most of the time she's the opposite of innocent, Yelling, Arguing, And when i have her screaming my name.

I place kisses on the top of her head, I hold her in my arms tightly against me. My fingers grazing her soft skin. She wakes up fluttering her eyelashes "Morning."

"Morning." I say, Not even really sure i said anything because i'm so distracted by her beauty.

I wanted to do so many things to her, She way she's looking at me with that smile, Her beautiful pink plump lips, How much i craved her.

She sits up and stretches her arms as she yawns. She catches a glimpse of herself in my mirror and looks at me with a cute smile "You took off me makeup for me?"

"Yeah. You were sleeping so i went into your room and washed it off for you." The way she's looking at me right now. Fuck.

"Wow Enzo, Who knew you were such a sweet heart." She crawled over to me and sat on my lap with each leg either side of me.

"I'm not." I reply to her.

"Really?" She raised her eyebrows intrigued

"I can prove it to you, Right now." I start nibbling on her collarbone, Hearing quiet laughs that leave her lips as i do turn me on so much. Hearing her laugh makes me feel good, It always has and i never really knew why.

Her long nails tug through my hair "Your too confident, Hernandez."

"Hm?" My hands grip onto her thighs "I'm too confident?" I move forward making her fall on her back and a gasp leaving her mouth, Making me on top of her now. She looked nervous and excited at the same time "If i'm to confident why am i getting this reaction out of you? Looks like i'm just right."

I get distracted by hearing Delles name on the tv in my room, She looks up "What the.." She mumbled. Her hand goes for the remote and turns it up "Why am i on the news?"

She always is but she doesn't watch the news so she doesn't know that. I honestly don't watch the news either but i look for clips just to see if they are talking about her, I don't want them spreading false stuff or them talk about her without knowing what's being said.

"Delle Rosso album is almost done, I've been informed by a informer that she has one more song to finish. I honestly thought she'd be done by now with the concert right around the corner.."

"She's a fast worker, I got told that the concert was planned very fast so the fact she has almost all her songs written is very impressive."

"Hm. Anyways." The news lady Any grabbed her sheet then looked back at the screen "What do you think about Delle Rosso going wild?"

"Going wild?" The news man questioned.

"She's been doing all these reckless and crazy things, She ran away in New York.. That's what started it all! Then in France, Then she snuck away with boys to a club and got drunk! Also the guy she doesn't like got into a fight right beside her." The woman ranted.

𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐢𝐦Where stories live. Discover now