𝟓𝟏 || 𝐒𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭

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I grab my bag and throw it over my shoulder, As im about to leave for the podcast She's Brutally Honest Enzo puts his hand on the door handle "What are you doing?" I question.

"I'm going to the podcast with you, They asked for the both of us.. Parker didn't tell you? Hm."

I didn't want to say to him 'you shouldn't be coming in these conditions' or 'you should get some rest' because i can't stop him from working, He was asked there and is showing up. "Great." Is all i reply with.

We get into the car and he starts driving, Eyes on the road and not glancing at me once. I didn't want things to be awkward or weird so i break the silence "How did things go.. Last night?" I ask even though i already knew, Enzo slept in Leo's bed, Leo didn't want Enzo to be alone because he was scared Enzo would find a way and get more.

Enzo just nods his head and taps his pointer finger on the wheel. "Have you met the girl who owns his podcast, Kora Williams."

I shake my head "No i haven't, I heard she's nice." Things were becoming weird, Discomfort on Enzo's face and i knew why. I wanted him to relax.

The car stops at the red light and he furrows his eyebrows confused as he sees me reaching over to him "What are you doing?" He asks.

I look up at him while i unbuckle his belt "Just helping you relax." I say, I pull out his very hard dick and lick from the bottom to the very tip.

I spit and stroke up and down, His groan and the way his body is reacting to me gives me a puddle in my underwear.

I put his tip in my mouth and suck, Then start bobbing my head up and down. He wraps my hair around his fist and tightens while his other hand is on the wheel, He pushes me down making his cock hit the back of my throat, I slightly gag but keep bobbing my head up and down while tears form in my eyes.

"Fuck, Delle." He groans in his deep voice that sends shivers down my legs "Fuck."

His eyes move to me, "Keep your eyes on the road, Hernandez." My lips tighten around his cock as i start moving faster, Small moans leaving my lips as i do.

His warm fingers slid to my shorts and started playing with my g string while I fucked him with my mouth. I felt his long length go down my throat, I start to lose my breathe due to how big he is "Breathe through your nose, Baby." Enzo tells me. I take his advice and nod my head, I breathe through my nose while my face is filled with Enzo Hernandez.

His hand on my head guiding me, My spit is drooling down his large cock. I notice he's about to finish so i start going faster, I feel cum shoot in my mouth and i show him my white covered tongue then swallow.

A smirk on his face "Enzo, Keep your eyes on the road, We don't want a car crash." I giggle.

"Sorry, Sorry." He repeats himself, "Oh we're here. I didn't know it would be this close." He parks his car in the driveway and grabs my hand "Come on."

We walk inside and see her at the door waiting for us "Oh my god you both look amazing." She hugs me "Thank you for coming."

"Of course."

"Oh and you have a little mayo on the corner of your lips." Kora tells me in a whisper.

Enzo hears and chuckles to himself, His cheeks going pink as mine were too.

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