𝟓𝟎 || 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞

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As soon as we get home i run to my room and jump on my bed "Oh, how much i've missed you." I hug my teddy bear tightly. I get under my covers and wrap myself with my comfy blanket, Nothing better than being away from home and coming back to this.

I realise i have to unpack my bags, I couldn't just keep waiting for 'later'. I grab my suitcase and start unpacking, Putting the clothes away and my shoes. My heart drops and tears spring to my eyes once i lay my eyes on the stuffed animal Leo gave me for the concert, He was so proud of me and so excited and it turned out being something that brung him so much anger and sadness.

I hold it against my chest so tightly, I smell it. It smells like a perfect mixture of us both, I'm surprised it has a little bit of my scent after all these years.

I walk to my bed and place her next to my teddy bear, Linerd. As i'm staring at her on my bed the door creaks open, I'm kind of scared to turn around but i do anyways. "Delle. I'm not completely comfortable living here.. With the both of you."

I felt my heart drop hearing him speak to me. He tried avoiding eye contact with me and stared at the ground while he tapped his show quietly on his other, His back leaning on my white wall.

"You want us to move out?" I question him, Confused.

"No." He shook his head in a sigh "I'm just telling you how i feel, Mom and Dad said i should do that.. so.."

"You should." I walk towards Leo "You should tell us how you feel, We know what we did was wrong Leo and we feel so upset for betraying you, Fuck Enzo literally went back to drugs because of it."

"I know Enzo is upset too, He hurt me." Leo frowns his eyebrows for a couple seconds then shoots his deadly stare to me "Your saying what happened to Enzo is my fault now?"

I rub my forehead with my fingers feeling stressed "You know that's not what i meant."

"Do i?"

I hear footsteps and see Enzo "What's going on?" He looked at the both of us.

"Nothing." Leo walked past Enzo, Grazing his shoulder against his.

"If you have a fucking problem say it." Enzo shouts.

Enzo should not of said that. Fuck. Now their going to start fighting or arguing, We just got home we don't need this.

"I do have a problem. You already know what it is." Leo's eyes go to me and i feel uncomfortable instantly "I can't believe you and my sister are together."

"We are." Enzo said, No hesitation.

Leo breathes in air deeply through his nose, "How could you hate her and then be with her? Your with someone you hate. That's how your treating my little sister, Not that i care because she deserves to be with someone who hates her after betraying me for you."

Uhm, Okay.. Ouch.

"Excuse you." I gasp shocked at his response to Enzo "I'm allowed to be with anyone i want!"

"Yeah that was my best friend." Enzo looks down at the ground and bites his bottom lip as Leo uses a past presence when he says best friend.

𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐢𝐦Where stories live. Discover now