the concert

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Johnnie's POV:We arrived at the concert I opened the door for Jake he held my arm as we walked in we went to our seats

Jakes POV: After the concert we went backstage to see Robert Smith in real life! I was so extatic first bc I got buttfucked by johnnie guilbert and now I get to see Robert Smith

I looked at jonnkie as we waited in line. Hid  arm, reaching his arm around my hip.

"YES" i ssqeuked as he planted a kiss on my forehead we got to the front of the line and we saw Robert Smith I ran up to him excitedly I shook his hand and he gave me a hug we talked and took a picture together then before me and Johnny boy left he handed me a paper? What could it be? I wondered, johnnie got in the driver's seat and he drove us home I told him about the paper "can I see it" he asked with his hand out I gave it to him and he opened it "it looks like a number? Let's call it later" he said handing it back

About an hour later we are still in the car and I look over seductively at johnnie I start sucking his neck and cupping his face with my hand I bit his neck leaving a mark "gasp what are you doing honey bear?" He asks between breaths I just looked up at him and smirked I kissed him down his body and towards his cock I unzipped his fly I stuck the tip in my mouth and started sucking up and down the 13 inches he let's out a harsh moan as i licked the sides he grabbed my hair and pushed my head up and down as I felt us pull into the drive way he came he picked my head up bye my hair while I had cum on my lip and down my face I looked I looked at johnnie and licked my lips but he looks pale and flabbergasted i looked forward at what he was looking at and it was tara.

johnnie guilbert x jake webberWhere stories live. Discover now