dildo window

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Jakes POV:We walked out of Johnnie's room I walked over to the kitchen island and grabbed an apple an apple I put my elbow on the island and looked up to see someone out the window it's decently dark so I can't see much but I can see what looks like tara I turn on the light and she's holding the dildo pleading to be let in I just stand there shocked not knowing what to do johnnie walks out of the bathroom and looks to tara I look over to him "what do I do?" I whisper "let me" he said with a smirky and stands he grabs my hips and sticks in his dick I gasp and lean forward "what are you doing?" I said gasping for air "showing her who you belong to and getting payback for eailer" he said pinning my wrist to the island he bites my neck making me gasp as he picks up my head bye my hair making me stare at tara "stare her in the eyes" he whispers into my neck as my eyes roll back "oh fuck johnnie i cant" i said moaning "you need to look at her" he said as he  slammed into me harder I looked to see her crying and I tear up but not from sadness from pure pleasure he grabs my cock and jacked me off while kissing my neck he bit me a little and made me moan loudly as I stare at tara she runs off as I cum in his hand he pulls out and just walks away "you're welcome" he said walking to the bedroom i just stood there panting not knowing what to do

johnnie guilbert x jake webberWhere stories live. Discover now