the party/no smut

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Johnnie's POV:  I woke up next to jake thinking about last night it was so hot I git my revenge on both of them😈 I hear jake waking up I and I turn to look at my beautiful boy I play with his hair as he wakes up he's laying on my chest he looks up and into my eyes "hey baby" he says in his deep morning voice I ruffle his hair "hey gorgeous" I say as I get up and walk out to the kitchen and make us breakfast and scuff walks out and says "hey party people" he exclaimed "oh hey scuff" I said sleeply "I'm going to a party and I don't wanna be alone so can u come?" He asks "can jake go?" He better I think to myself "sure if u want ur boyyyfreindd to go" he teased "he's not my boyfreind...." yet I think to myself "well what I heard last night and the past 4 nights says otherwise" I blush put of embarrassment "fuck off" I said as i walked into my room to see my love using my makeup on mym6kkhe desk I bent him over he looked over to me and smiled "omg can I do ur makeup pls" I begged walking over and sitting on his lap "sure sweetie" he said blushing because of how close I was, I grabbed the eyeshadow and applied it around his eyes with my finger "oh btw wanna go to a party tonight? Scuff invited us" I said staring into his eyes lovingly with a warm smile he blushed a little "o-oh yea sure so today?" "Yea in like a few hours" I told him smooching his forehead "okay so it's a date?" He said nevsouly "of course baby" I said "I love you...." jake said shuddering and blushing "I love you to jakey" I said kissing him lightly on the lips

A few hours later

Jake's POV:  johnnie opened the driver door for me "ladies first" he said with a smirk "shut up!" I said lightly punching him "okay cutie" he slaps my ass as I get in the car he sits in the passionately seat we drove to the party and we mett scuff outside "hey love birds" he said drunk AF he led us inside and we got drinks danced together to hey baby together after a few drinks we started to grind on eachother after a few songs I left to take a fat shit I came back to see johnmie absodudysyslyb wasted I could tell he had a few more drinks than he should have so I walked over to him "hey honey are you okay?" I asked "I'm fiend" he said as he wobbled to me I picked him up and he immediately passed out so I took him and put him on the couch he woke up a little "stay here ill go get u water" I told him I came back and he was gone I looked to the door and saw him leaving with TARA

johnnie guilbert x jake webberWhere stories live. Discover now