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Johnnie's POV: I wake up with the worst headache ever I look to jake his arm around my shoulder he looks so cute when he sleeps his makeup is still on but they looked smeared from tears I didn't even think about it but I woke him up "why were you crying pretty boy what happend last night I asked confused jake woke up sleeply

I repeat my question, eger to know the answer.

"Something happened and I don't know how to tell you..." he started to tear up

"Baby, tell me it's okay. Don't cry..." i told him, kissing him to reassure him that everything is fine.

"Well, after you got wasted and passed I brought you to a room away from people.then i went to get you a water or something to throw up in. But when I came back you were gone.
I saw tara take u to Corey's room and bye the time I got there u were passed out on the bed shirtless and she was unclothed trying to take ur clothes off"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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