Chapter 1

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Adelyn and Antonio were inseparable; they've been best friends since the diaper days. They were just ten years old when their lives took a devastating turn for the worst shattering the bond the two had maintained since they were infants.

It was exactly 7:32pm when it happened.

The two had just finished their homework, and Antonio's mother was 15 minutes late picking him up from Addy's. She was stuck during rush hour which can take as long as two hours in ST Paul's, especially with all the road closures. The downpour they were having that day wasn't helping, either.

"Your Mom is late and we're done with homework so you wanna play some Jenga? I'll take it easy on you this time" Adelyn said, chuckling.

"Okay but you only win because I let you," Antonio said flashing a sly grin.

The two started walking upstairs to get the game when the floor beneath them began to rumble.

Addy shrieks, "It's an Earthquake!" 

Addy's Mom, Karolyn can be heard yelling from upstairs, "Kids! Get into the cellar, now!" 

"I'm right behind you guys!"

Seconds later, Addy's Mom could be heard screaming. It was a hair-raising scream that sent chills down both of their spines.

Antonio whispers, "We need to call the police Addy"

The lights started to flicker, suddenly a loud pop signaling a blown fuse.

The phone lines were dead. They were on their own. Addy's Mom wasn't coming down from upstairs.

"I'm scared," Adelyn said, breathing rapidly.

"I want my mom!"

"Shhhh Addy, we don't know what is upstairs. We need to hide."

A putrid smell filled their nostrils. It was nauseating.

"What's happening?" Adelyn said her voice now barely audible.

There it was, standing right in front of them, covered in what appeared to be blood. They didn't even hear it coming.

The two screamed in unison at what stood before them, both children frozen in terror.

Antonio wanted to run with Addy, run and never look back, but he couldn't get his legs to move a single muscle. His feet were planted on the floor as if he was stuck in industrial strength super glue. Fear had taken control over the both of them.

"What does it want from us?" Antonio thought, the creature looking at him, smiling as if it could read his very thoughts.

Antonio opened his mouth to try and tell Addy they needed to run, but no sound would come out. His heartbeat was accelerating, it felt as if his heart would burst right out of his chest.

This thing just stared at them, towering over them in a taunting manner. It's unlike anything they had ever seen before. His features were humanlike only anamorphic. He was abnormally tall, muscular, wearing high-tech body armor that glistened from the moon's light shining through the kitchen window. His gray skin encrusted and scale-like, permeating with a black slimy substance. His hollowed eyes are a fiery silver that seem to blink from the inside of his eyes as he scans both kids alternating glances between the two.

The feeling started coming back to Antonio's body, enabling him to move.

He reached out for Adelyn's hand, quickly pulling back as he realized his mistake. The creature hits him with such force, it knocks Antonio across the kitchen table, smashing into Karolyn's china cabinet. He laid on the floor, slumped over unconscious and bleeding from a head wound. The broken glass from the china cabinet lay shattered around, blanketing the floor. Before Adelyn could run to check on her friend, she was grabbed by the nape of her neck so hard she heard popping sounds from the top of her spine. The slimy black film on the creature's skin dripped onto her arm, stinging her skin on contact. She winced and let out a cry of pain as it felt like she was being stung by a hundred yellow jackets, repeatedly. She watched her skin bubble up, reacting to the foreign substance. She tried to rip away from this monster, but, it just held onto her harder, almost squeezing the life out of her.

She looked upon this thing, this being that had a strong, tight grip on her. She looked into his piercingly silver eyes that sunk deep into his head. He smelled of rotting, stinking flesh. His breathing, loud and raspy.

He walked over to Antonio, bent down, flipped him face down with one hand and inserted a small, glowing crystal into his neck as he lays there defenseless and unconsciously still.


" What is he doing to him? Is he dead?"

Terror has turned to panic.

Adelyn pleads under her breath, "Please don't die, don't leave me alone."

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