Chapter 2

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Antonio is lying there helpless as Adelyn's tears begin to give way, streaming down her face. She watched in horror as the bright yellow crystal pierced through his skin. A trickle of blood slowly oozed out of his neck and onto the light brown tile; the last, horrifying image she'll remember of her friend.

The creature tosses her over his shoulder nearly nicking Adelyn's head on the dining room ceiling fan. As she's hanging over the creatures right shoulder, Adelyn watches her friend disappear out of sight as they make their way upstairs towards her bedroom.

Thoughts flooded her mind.

"He's going to hurt me," she couldn't help but think the worst. Her imminent doom seemed to draw to a close.

Then it caught Adelyn's eye; a bright yellow light is glowing from under her bedroom door. It lit up a figure that lay slumped over in the middle of the hall. The figure lay still. Nausea hits her head on as she realizes what the figure could be.

Tears begin blurring her vision. She squints trying to regain focus, "Mommy?"

 Her fear turns to dread. It's her Mom. Her body appeared to have been mauled by a wild animal, but she knew who was responsible. She could see the dark red blood covering her mother's arms and face now that she was closer to the body. Her hair was in a matted mess stained with patches of red in her dirty blonde hair. Adelyn felt her body convulsing. The panic turned to rage.

The door to her room fly's open before she can process anything else. A strong wind begins to blow violently causing all of Adelyn's things to be carried into its whirls and tossed about her room. Books and dolls caught up in the mini twister were smacking into Adelyn's head causing her to wince in pain. She wished it were just a bad dream. Her face is soggy from the steady flow of tears.

Adelyn tries consoling herself, "Maybe it's just a nightmare."

The brazen light fills up the entire room almost blinding Adelyn. It was similar to staring head on at the sun only brighter. She shields her eyes as the creature makes his way towards the entrance paying no mind to the things caught in the wind whirls that slam into him. The sounds of the blowing winds comes to a calm. Everything caught in the whirls falls to the floor with a thud. Her mothers body fades out of her sight as she's carried into this foreign gateway. The radiant glow begins to fade making it easier to look upon for Adelyn. It all happens so fast, almost head spinning. The light dims, quickly fading into darkness as they cross through the entryway.

Adelyn woke to loud booming sounds, clenching her ears. Her eardrums felt close to exploding. She is lying in a dirt mound looking up as bright blue and green flares shot up into the midnight sky reminding her of fireworks only these sounded much more deafening. She manages to stand up, her knees feeling weak and nimble as she examines her surroundings.

"Where am I?" she thought, looking around a vast, eerie terrain with creatures, everywhere, resembling the one who took her. Some were walking around with large sacks of what appeared to be bodies carried of their kind. Some are dueling with each other to the death showing no mercy to the apparently defeated. The chants erupted as soon as Adelyn is seen, striking fear into her all over again. Masked, hooded figures in black cloaks hovered over her.

She had to believe she was going to make it if it meant her survival. She has to get back to Antonio, one way or another. She needed to be strong for him. She knew he was alive. She chose to believe her friend had not succumbed to the creatures death sentence.

Adelyn would soon learn that she entered the cryptic lands, lands full of sorcery run by malevolent Theurphytes and their merciless cult leader, Saruman, a Theurgist. She is one of the many thousands of children taken from their homes and brought to this place only concievable in their nightmares. The only way out was through the way she entered, through the portal.

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