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Some said that love doesn't feel the same as how it was a hundred years ago. How sincere and long lasting it is back then, unlike now that just slips fast through your hands.

I was this young girl who loved having tea while hearing my grandparents talk about their decades-long journey together. Now, it is time for me to share some stories of love that I scanned through this old photo album packed with portraits in black and white. A tale of a family that honored promises and men who walked through their words

A story of how Constancio Huerta's heart still remembers what his mind forgets

I can't guarantee that this work is perfect, so please do expect a "LOT" of grammatical errors and typos ahead. It may contain flaws and imperfections which is a product of the author's lack of experience, so I will apologise in advance.
I will fix it when I completed the work (or probably when I got time to do so) so please bare with me for the meantime.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, some place, incidents are products of the author's imaginations and are use fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, place, or person living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


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No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the author's consent.

Copyright ©️ 2023 Elder Fyodor

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