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Smii7y X Fitz ( Jaren X Cameron)

( 4216 words)

The Australian government has been overtaken by a young adult who goes by the name Fitz. No one knows his real name, but some think Fitz might be his real name.

He started making changes as soon as he assassinated the prime minister, Anthony Albanese. He got rid of the police but replaced them with a more forceful military crew. All members of the military crew were split up into five different groups, each with their own purpose. They also wear color coordinated uniforms that correlate to which group they have been placed in. The government has taken residence in the city of Melbourne, which is now locally known as the Inner City.

The Association of Justice is the biggest building. With the building and uniform color Blue. They take care of crimes mostly, but their main job is to be a form of judicial system. The building itself takes up about 52 acres of land, and if you count the surrounding property it's a total of 65 acres.

The Association of Media is on the beachfront. It's a mostly glass building with white outlining all the windows. Their uniforms are all white. This association takes care of all media. From music, newspapers, books, articles, etc.

The Association of War. An underground bunker that holds nucular weapons, military equipment, and all the scientific testing. The people who work in this association aren't allowed to surface, since they're the only ones who make contact with people off the island. Fitz is afraid if they go out and start spreading what they see, it would cause big riots and chaos. It is said that they wear black uniforms.

The Association of Economics. These people wear a forest green uniform that matches perfectly with their building. It sits on the edge of the inner city, in the middle of the forest. The whole building looks like it's been overtaken with wildlife. Vines all along the walls. Ferns, grass, and flowers growing on the flat roof. This association takes care of what's in the stores, controls the inflation rate and wages.

Lastly, The Association of Importance. This building is in the middle of the city, and looks like a mix of all the other major buildings. They deal with all the Associations and make sure they stay on track. They have dozens of floors, dedicated to watching surveillance cameras. Other floors for audio recordings. These people take notes on the population and then communicate it with the other associations to make sure they promote the right idea. Uniform color is red.

This government uses those cameras as a way to sort out genetics as well. Using the law of free marriage to their advantage. They pair certain people because of genetic purposes. If someone has bad genetics or doesn't contribute to society the associations may place them with someone of the same gender, or send them to The Association of Justice to be executed. The age of 25 is when you will receive your partner, and an apartment given by The Association of Importance. Until then you live with your parents and help support them after the age of 18.

Children are encouraged to make money as soon as possible. Some kids get jobs at 6 or 7, while others are 3 and 4. Everyone makes a government official wage of $3 an hour. There are plenty of options for employment at a young age. Some include picking berries, house work, stable work, flea markets, and many more.

By age 18 you are appointed to an Association depending on your achievements, hobbies, and experiences. There is no saying 'no' to an association.. It is seen as a favor to us. That we were chosen to work for our country. They imprint into their brains that they are here to help you.

The Big Brother government has been here long enough to where there are no people who remember the outside. Seeing as all transportation was banned from day one. All aircraft's that fly over are shot down, boats blown up before reaching shore. It wasn't long before the world just gave up on Australia.

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