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Ship: Lannan and Tyler
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Notes: None


We were getting a tour guide today. Elliott insist that we do it. I thought it was dumb. If I wanted to know about something I could just google it.

"Lannan hurry your ass up and get in the bus." I let out a dramatic groan and turn around to look at the bus.

The giant bus stood tall and matched with the last feel. I sigh and finally walk over and get into the bus. I get greeted by a tall guy with bright blue eyes covered by glasses and fluffy brown hair.

"Stop staring and move." Elliot whispers. I blush and sit down near the front so I have a good view of this tour guide.

"Everyone here!" The guy yells. We look around and nod so he continues. "Alright, perfect! My name is Tyler and this is a hour long tour around the city of Los Angeles. First things first-" I stop listening to what he's talking about but instead stare at him a little. Looking out to the city every now and then.

"And that was our last stop! Are there any questions?" Tyler ask.

"What's your number?" I yell out. Causing everyone to laugh but I just give a serious look to Tyler. He pulls a sharpie out of this pocket and walks over to me.

He writes his name and number on my wrist. Winking and smirking while walking away.

"That went well, holy shit." I say laughing.

"Better text him." Elliott winks and walls off the bus. I wait until everyone is gone before I get up.

"Your friends are going to leave you." He laughs. His smile big and wide, teeth showing. It made a smile find it's way to my face.

"I'll find them later." I wave a hand in dismissal and stand closer to him.

"When do you leave?" He ask.

"What do you mean?" I look up at him eye brows furrowed.

"Go back home." He pauses. "Australia?" He says.

"Oh yeah! Holy fuck sorry." We laugh a little before I actually respond. "2 days."

"Wanna have the best 2 days of your life?" I smile and look back up at him.

"What you got in mind?" He smiles and goes on a rant on all the things we can do.

An hour later we were walking down the street. Tyler looking for something, with a smile that hasn't left his lips since he thought of it.

We stop in front of a gay bar. I look up at him and then back to the building.

"Really?" I laugh out.

"What? Drinks on me!" He pulls me inside and we head to the bar immediately getting four shots each.

After we dank the shits we went out to the dance floor. I had my body pressed up against his front side. His arms holding onto my hips while mine were in his hair. Pulling on the soft locks lightly, making Tyler let out a low groan.

I slipped out of his grip and walked back to the bar. I could feel Tyler walking behind me. Once I reached the bar he came up behind me and put his hand on either side of me. Locking me in place. I smiled and ordered more shots before turning around.

"Not yet horn nut. You can't have sex on the first night." I smile and turn back around. Thanking the bartender and handing two shots to Tyler. We drown our shots and dance some more. We left after a few hours of dancing.

To drunk to stand, we walked back to Tyler's apartment. We stumbled up the stairs and almost broke the lock but we finally got in.

As soon as the door was shut we both started to strip while walking to the bedroom. Clothes littered the place but neither of us cared at the moment. We finally got in the room and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.

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