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Ship: John and Toby
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Notes: Shopping Adventure!


"Babe! I need new pants!" I take my headphones off and rise my eyebrows a little.

"Why the fuck do you need new pants?" I yell back, setting my headphones on the desk in front of me and standing up. I walk towards the door and open it, standing in the doorway. 

"I might've just accidentally knocked over my cup of grape juice onto my new jeans. Actually we may need a new carpet, and possibly a new cup." I giggle to myself and walk into the hall, closing the door behind me. I walk down the hall and end up in the living room, the scene unfolding and i can 'see' just how John managed to do this kind of thing.

"Can you give me like 30 seconds?" I don't wait for a response. I just turn around walk back to my computer. Saving my file and turn the power off. I gab my sweater and my phone before leaving my little office again. 

When I get back into the living room, John is in a new pair of pants and is on the floor trying to clean the rug.

"It was ugly anyways, lets go." I grab the car keys before throwing them at him. I let out a giggle and hop in the passengers seat. My hand immediately goes to the radio, waiting so I don't have to listen to his music.

"Where do I go?" Is the first words to come out of mouth as he gets in the car.

"I don't know, where did you get the pair you ruined?" I ask while choosing the music. Picking on a alternative rock station. 

"Walmart." I look over at laughed. 

"Hey! I was Jaren and I thought it would be funny, so we went to like three different Walmarts and fucked around. Got kicked out two though." I laugh at the idea and agree to go to Walmart.

"God I hate this place." I state as I get out of the car and start walking to building.

He doesn't reply but takes my hand and starts swinging it back and forth.

Once we get inside and into the cloths area I head straight to the pants. 

"Jeez, calm down." He stands besides me and just looks at me and then the pants.

"What?" I ask, looking up.

"What do I do?" 

"Are you kidding me?" I laugh a little, but his straight face doesn't go away as he glances at the pants, then at me. "Do I need to pick them for you?" I ask him; talking to him as if he were a baby.

"Yeah, you have a better sense of style anyways." He laughs, I sigh and look through the pants. Grabbing a few on the way. "Oh, and I was totally fucking with you back there. B-but its ok, because I love you!"

"Love you too." I give him a kiss on the lips before shoving two pairs of pants at him. "Now go try these on." I push him into the dressing room a feet away and wait.

"Ok, I like this one. More my style and more comfy." I take the pair of joggers from him as he hangs up the jeans on a random rack.

"What do we do when we're done here" I ask, grabbing the plastic bag and speed walking my way out of this place. 

"Sleep. I'm tired." He groans at the thought and jumps a little from excitement. 

"Sleep sounds so good right now." I get in the car and next thing you know we're speeding down the roads of Portland back to Johns house.

When we finally get home, I run to the door and unlock it. Going to the bedroom and changing out of my cloths and into sweats and t shirt.

I get under the covers and bury myself in the soft duvet. The sheets sticking to my pants. John walks into the room and smiles at me.

"Toby." He draws out. "You start without me." He says as he gets into the bed and pulls me closer to him. His warm body making every bad thing go away. 

"I love you John." I whisper, resting my head on his chest.

"I love you Toby." He whispers back, Wrapping his arms around the boy.

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