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Wil stood in front of the big mirror in his room, wrapping a necktie around his neck and struggling to tie it properly.

W: "UGH, stupid thing..."

He muttered to himself in frustration, letting the tie hang around his neck, as he sat down in a hot pink armchair.
He sighed as he stared at his reflection in the mirror.

He was going to Mark's wedding and had to wear specifically a black suit with a light pink necktie which he had no idea how to tie.
He was more of a bow-tie man.

D: "Wil?"

A low voice spoke from the other side of the door.
The person opened it and stepped into his room.

Dark and Wil make eye contact, Dark's eyes scanning the bubbly man from head to toe.

His eyes landed on the tie around his neck.

D: "Having trouble, are we?"

He questioned with an ear-splitting grin on his face.

Wil rolled his eyes with annoyance, not responding.
The answer was obvious.

Dark crept up behind him, placing his cold hands on Wil's shoulders.
Wilford tensed up slightly and turned his gaze up into the mirror where he could see himself and Dark standing behind him, even if his face wasn't in frame.

D: "Let me help you, darling. "

Dark purred in his ear, smiling seductively.
Wil licked his lips in anticipation, as Dark started to slowly do his tie, leaning down to rest his chin on Wil's shoulder.

Wil looked into the mirror on his vanity, accidentally making eye contact with his lover.

Dark's smile grew, making Wil quickly look away at the floor, a light pink shade covering his cheeks.

Chills ran up and down his spine and his tan arms, as he felt Dark slightly exhale onto his neck.

His eyes internally rolled back and he bit his tongue to hold back a moan.

Dark licked his top lip.

Wilford felt pressure in his chest, his heart going a mile a minute, a new feeling of anxiety grew inside him from Dark's dominance and intimidation.

While it made him nervous, it also spiked so much excitement into him.

D: "Relax. "

Dark purred in his ear with a low entity voice, sensing Wil's discomfort.

A shiver ran down Wil's spine from the sound. That voice made him everything but relaxed.

His breathing was quick and his lungs needed more air but he held back.
He didn't want Dark to notice since his hands were close to his chest because of the tie.

Wil swallowed harshly, still gazing at the floor.

How long does it take to tie this thing?

Usually, when Wil caught Dark putting on his tie, he was done within seconds, but this time he seemed to be doing it so slowly on purpose.

Sensually slow.

Wil's cheeks heated up more with nervousness, becoming a hot pink, a shade way darker than his bubblegum hair.

He took short, shallow breaths, trying to calm down, before Dark noticed how heated up he was.

Dark placed his hands back on Wil's shoulders, making him tense up again.

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