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Trigger warning!

Dark's Pov:

I sat in my spot in the conference room, Wil explaining something to all the other egos. 

I was staring down at my hands, which rested on the wooden table, completely spacing out and not listening to what Wil was saying. 

My head was throbbing with pain, and I couldn't block out the voice screaming in my head.

Damien and Celine were arguing, and here and there would spit insults at me. 

As well as the entity's voice. 

You're powerless.

I closed my eyes, trying to ignore them. 
The voices got so loud that it started to hurt even worse. 

I shut my eyes tighter, starting to hypervenilate, black tears spilling from my eyes. 

W: "Everyone get out."

There was no verbal response. 

The egos picked up their things and left the room. 

W: "Darky?"

Wil questioned, although I barely heard him. 
I felt his hand hold mine as he sat down next to me. 

W: "What's wrong?"

D: "It hurts, Wil... "

I managed to mutter out. 

W: "What hurts, Darky? What's hurting you?"

He asked something, but I didn't understand him. 

I just sat there, tears pouring from my eyes, my heart racing in my head.

Wil picked me up bridal style and carried me to my bedroom. 

He sat down on my bed, holding me in his lap. 

W: "Is it too bright?"

I nodded, squinting my eyes. 

He turned off the light, so we were in darkness. The only source of light was my red and blue aura. 

W: "Dark? Can you hear me?"

D: "Barely."

I admitted as he held me tighter. 

W: "Okay, darling, you need to breathe."

I sucked in a deep breath, the air hitching in my throat as I tried to exhale.

It closed up my throat, making my breathing heavier.

I coughed up and wheezed a little as Wil rubbed my back comfortingly.

W: "Slowly, babe, don't force it."

I squeezed Wil's hand as he started to rub soothing circles into my skin.

I closed my eyes and tried breathing slowly.

My mind wondered back to a memory with Wil once I calmed down a little.


I was lying in bed, staring at my phone while laying down on my tummy.

I felt something or someone move under the sheets, catching my attention.

D: "Wil?"

I called out, Wil's fluffly, pink hair popping out from underneath the covers.

W: "Hi, baby."

He said, with the most innocent but seductive look in his hot pink eyes.

He wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his face in my chest.

I relaxed and let out a heavy sigh as I hugged him back tightly, setting my phone down.

We both softly fell asleep, me playing with his fluffy hair.


W: "There you go, you got it."

Wil suddenly whispered, snapping me out of the memory.

W: "Can you hear me now, Darky?"

I nodded, continuing to breathe slowly, more aware of my surroundings now, more aware of the hand squeezing mine, more aware of the hand rubbing my back soothingly.

Wil ran his fingers through my hair that was damp with my sweat.

I cleared my throat that was hurting like hell, as Wil turned on the bedside lamp on my nightstand.

It was dim, so it wasn't too bright. It provided us enough light to be able to see each other.

I looked down at my lap instead of up at Wil. I looked everywhere except at his eyes.

W: "You feel okay?"

D: "Yeah, I'm fine."

My voice came out deeper than usual, more raspy, and it was just an awful, scratchy sound that sounded nothing like my usual voice.

It held no manipulation or dominance, strength, or power. Just weakness.

W: "Come here."

Wil muttered as he forced my arms around his neck. We hugged for it seemed like hours, and I just melted into his touch.

He was so warm and soft, it was like bliss.

I would never let anybody else see me like this.

D: "Sorry about that."

W: "It's okay, but what happened?"

D: "I don't know, I just heard all these voices just screaming in my head, and it got so loud that it started to hurt. As I tried to block them out, I don't know, I guess I started panicking."

Wil let a small, reassuring smile cross his lips, as he kissed my forehead.

W: "You're safe now, okay? I got you."

With that finnal sentance leaving Wilford's lips, Wil and Dark cuddled up under the black covers of Dark's bed.

Dark fell asleep soundly, letting his head rest on Wilford's chest. He enoyed the sound of his lover's heart beating and the feeling of his fingers tangling within his jet black hair.

Dark purred himself to sleep.

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