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I sigh as I sit on my bed waiting for my dad to come home. He's been gone for two whole days and I'm starting to get worried. The last time he was gone this long was after mom died.

He got so drunk, that he started a fight at an elite club. But, because of who he is, of course he wasn't banned or anything.

I run my fingers through my hair and try to call my dad again. I sigh, frustrated when I get his voicemail. I decide to leave a message this time.

"Dad, it's your daughter and I'm worried sick about you! Call me back immediately and that's an order!" I hang up and angrily toss my phone on my bed and go downstairs.

"Rhea!?" I call for my bodyguard and she appears at the bottom of the stairs.

"Yes, Ms. Michaels?"

"You know not to call me that.." I give her a look and she smiles shyly.

"I'm not off duty. So, it's Ms. Michaels." Rhea says and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever. Have you heard from my dad?" I ask.

"No. He hasn't called and neither has Damien."

"Shit! I'm freaking out!" I storm off towards the kitchen and Rhea follows.

"I'm sure they're ok. Damien would've called if they weren't." Rhea says.

I open a cabinet door I grab a wine glass.

"That doesn't help my nerves, Rhea."

I grab a bottle of white whine and pour me a full glass. I gulp some down and turn to Rhea, who smiles encouragingly at me.

"I'm sure they're fine. But, it would be nice if he called. The Anoa'i family would love a chance to pop my father if they get the chance."

Rhea nods. "We'll wait another hour and if we don't hear anything, I'll call Damien."

I nod. "Cool. I'll head upstairs."

As I leave the kitchen, the front door opens and my dad walks in. Damien is carrying him on his arm and I sigh.

"Dad!" I call, relieved that he's ok.

He looks up at me. "Don't start!"

"Oh, I'm gonna start. What's wrong with you? You're drunk again?!" I yell.

"Yes, I'm drunk again! I wouldn't be if the Anoa'i family wasn't stealing all my damn clients!" My dad yells.

I frown and go over to my dad. I grab his chubby face and make him look at me.

"You can't just drink your problems away. You know what mom would say."

Dad sighs and nods. "I know..Damien, take me to my room. I'm turning in for the night and I don't want to be bothered."

My dad looks pointedly at me and I sigh.

"Excuse me, ma'am." Damien smiles and helps my dad up the stairs.

Rhea places her hand on my shoulder and I grab my wine.

"Are you ok?" She asks.

"No, I'm not. My dad is an alcoholic and is gonna lose all his consumers and businesses if he keeps throwing temper tantrums." I chug the rest of my wine.

"I'm gonna go to bed. I'll see you tomorrow." I grumble and heard my glass to Rhea.

"Do you need my help with anything?" Rhea asks.

"No. Goodnight." I wave to her and head upstairs to my room.


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