Final Decision

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The smell of breakfast wakes me up and I twist my body, as I stretch.

Groaning loudly at the amazing feeling of my body no longer feeling stiff, I slowly sit up and rub my eyes.

"Morning! How was the couch?" Cameron asks.

I laugh.

"It was great." I say sarcastically.

Cameron hands me a cup of coffee and I thank him.

I take a sip and hum in appreciation. The taste of sweet hazelnut makes me smile, as I look up at Cam.

"It's perfect." I say and he smiles.

"I never forgot how you like it." He says and I feel like there's a double meaning behind his words.

"Ready for breakfast? I have to be at work in two hours."

"Work? You're staying in Florida?" I ask.

Cameron nods, as he walks back into the kitchen.

"What's about Uni? You're not going back?"

"My dad needs me here."

I slowly sit at the table and watch, as Cam sets the food on the table. He sits across from me and I frown.

"Why? I mean, you dreamed of going to college and leaving this life behind."

Cameron starts putting food on my plate and I wait for him to talk to me.

"It's not easy leaving your home, Ang. This ain't the life I want, but it's the one I have."

"I get it."

"You should. You tried to leave once and you came back."

I scoff, as I pick up a piece of bacon and bite into it.

"Why did you come back? You were flourishing in Texas. You found your passion in racing and you were genuinely happy." Cameron asks.

"After my mom died it wasn't easy to just pack up and leave. My dad needed me and I had to be strong for my family."

"Why didn't you leave after your dad went back to the business? You both had mourned and business went back to normal. Why did you stay?"

I sigh and set down my fork.

"The same reason you don't." I say and Cam nods.

"Well, I guess we're both stuck." He says.

I shrug.

"For the time being." I smile.

Cam chuckles and starts to eat. I follow suit and we fall into a comfortable silence while we eat.

I'm scrolling through my phone reading texts from Rhea and Christian asking how I'm doing.

I sigh and put my phone down and watch Cameron get ready for work. He shrugs into his dark suit jacket and attempts to straighten out his tie and growing more frustrated as the seconds go by.

I laugh and shake my head, as I get from the couch and walk over to help him.

"Come here." I say and Cam turns to look at me.

I undo his tie and redo it. Cam stares down at me and I look up into his hazel green eyes. Butterflies swarm my stomach and old feelings seep into my heart.

"There. All done." I smile.

"Ha, thanks." Cameron buttons his jacket and sighs.

"How do I look?" He asks.

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