Part 10

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Scarletts pov

"y/n" i whisper and stroke her hair back so its not in her face "y/n baby, wake up" i repeat. She rolls onto her side and snuggles deeper into her duvet "you have to wake up" i whisper and stroke her cheek. I keep doing so until her eyes flutter open "morning" she rolls onto her back and looks at me "oh hi" she smiles with her morning voice "hi honey. Would you like some food, My mom and Rose will be here in an hour" "no thanks, i'm fine". I smile and pull her duvet down "you need to eat something. Theres bagels, waffles, theres basically anything you could want downstairs" i tell her "can i have a bagel?" "of course. With bacon and eggs?" she nods "okay, ill go and make that but make sure to be up in the next twenty minutes and that means dressed and teeth brushed" i tell her.

"Scarlett, i lost my hairbrush. I think i left it behind by accident" i turn around from cooking the eggs to see my daughter changed just with messy hair "dont worry about it, you can use mine. On my dresser, theres a tub and it should be in there. Colin's in the garage so dont worry about going in" i smile "thanks. I wont be too long". 

y/ns pov

I find scarletts room and go over to her dresser. It smells so good in here. I rummage through the tub and find the hairbrush. I close the lid and look up at myself in the mirror "not too bad" i tell myself. Loads of pictures are around the edge, on the top theres a photo of scarlett and Colin at  Niagra falls and loads of them kissing and all that kind of stuff that i really dont need to see. And then  on one side is a baby and it goes all the way down to a four year old girl which is Rose. She looks alot like scarlett and very happy. And on the otherside, there are only three photos which im guessing is me. One of me sleeping when i was a baby which scarlett showed me when she took me to a cafe , the other of me as a baby and scarlett holding me which looks like its in a hospital room and the last one is a random lady holding me who i have no clue is. I brush my hair and run down the stairs quickly "just intime, breakfasts ready" scarlett says putting my bagel on the table. "thanks. The um photos on your mirror, are the ones on the left me?" i ask and scarlett smiles "i thought you were going to ask about them and yes they are. The other sides rose. Can i copy some of the photos in the book you gave me and stick them on there?" i nod "sure, it is your photo album. Did you see i wrote in it?" scarlett nods "i did and it made me cry so please dont make me cry again". I get up and hug her "i wont, i promise" "i know you wont. Eat your food otherwise it will be cold. Will you be okay if i go and get ready?" i nod and watch Scarlett go up the stairs. After breakfast, i go outside to see Colin in the garage "hi" i say making him look at me "oh hi. What are you doing out here?" he asks "i dont really know, i was interested in what you were doing" i tell him "well Rose wanted to me fix her rocking horse so thats what im trying to do. You can come in" she smiles so i go in and watch what hes doing. "how did it break?" i ask as he puts in the final screw, Colin laughs "scarlett sat on it" i laugh aswell, of course it was scarlett.

Scarletts pov

I hear laughing so i go outside "colin?" i ask looking in the garage. Im not only met with one face but two "oh both of you, i was wondering why i was heard laughing. Whats so funny?" they both shake their head "doesn't matter". Its nice to see Colin and y/n together, they didnt really talk much on the way here but now they are bonding which is nice. Both my girls seem to like my choice in boyfriends so that's good. "Moms going to be here in a few minutes. Both of you go and wash your hands" they come out and go inside. Scar can you turn the tap on?" colin asks and i do looking at both of their oily hands "what have you both been doing?!" "mending the rocking horse that YOU broke" y/n answers and they both laugh. So that is what it was. "stop it. Dry you hands" i pass them a towel and they both share it to dry their hands "iv'e got roses elephant toy" y/n looks at it on the table "thanks, i actually forgot about that". The front doorbell rings and i watch as y/ns face floods with worry "hey, its okay. She's really looking forward to meeting you" i comfort her and lead her over the the door with colin. I answer it and im met with mom holding Rose in her arms "mommy" Rose whispers and i take her in my arms "hi baby, why are we whispering?" i question "grandma said i might scare y/n. Is my sister here?" she asks talking normally "yeah, look shes right there" i turn around to show Rose her sister. Y/n looks at her with a smile "um hi, im y/n" i watch a big smile appear on Roses lips "hello. Do you want to play with me?" mom, colin and i laugh "not now baby maybe later" i say and put her on the floor. "hi daddy!". I hold y/ns hand and pull her next to me "mom, this is y/n and this my my mom" i look at y/n who smiles softly. Mom looks at me and then down at her "you've gotten so big. I remember when you were this big" she says making the size y/n was when she was just born with her hands "can i have hug?" y/n nods and hugs her loosely. Tears prick my eyes and mom smiles at me, y/n pulls away and stands beside me "these are for you. Welcome home" mom hands her a bunch of flowers "thank you". I take them into the kitchen with Colin "Rose was good. She wasn't too excited" i tell him "i know, your mom must have said things too her" he jokes and kisses my lips. We go into the lounge to find rose sitting next to her sister looking up at her "seriously, give her some space" i say and move rose away. Rose giggles and cuddles into my side as i sit on the inbetween the two "you arrived yesterday yes?" mom asks and y/n nods. Mom looks at her lovingly "i remember when you were just born, i was there and you made the biggest scream ever" "that was the loudest noise you ever made" i add and stroke her hair. "did your mom tell you the story when she was pregnant and all she would eat was toffees and bananas?" y/n shakes her head and looks at me "i'll tell you that another day. I'll tell you everything that happened okay?" she nods and looks back at my mom. I put my arm around her protectively like rose and kiss the top of her head "now i have both my baby girls" i smile admiring both of them. "whats my middle name? noone told me it" y/n asks "Emil" mom answers and i nod "you are Y/n Emily Johansson and nothing else" i smile stroking the underside of her chin. Mom stands up and shakes the biscuit crumbs off her "do you want to go for a walk in the garden?" she asks y/n "um okay" she stands up aswell "mommy can i go?" rose asks "let grandma and y/n talk on their own okay" i tell her "but i dont want her to be taken again". Mom puts her hand on y/ns shoulder and leads her the way to the back door "she isnt, not ever again okay?" Rose nods and lays her head on my lap. i love how protective she is of her big sister even though she is four years old. 

Y/ns pov

"im sorry about Rose. She can talk without thinking" scarletts mom says "its fine, dont worry about. I know what happened to me" i tell her. We start at the corner of the garden and walk slowly "I'm Melanie by the way, i didnt actually tell you my name" "nice to see you again even though i dont remember the first time" she laughs loudly "you sound so much like your mom" i smile down at the floor but look back up once its gone "after i was taken, what did scarlett do?" i ask "she didn't really do anything. We both searched for you as our main priority but apart from that she just stayed at home. She lived with me and she just stayed in the nursery she designed for you because she was depressed" that's sad, why did i even ask. "do you know who took me?" melanie shakes her head and kicks a stone back into the flower patch "she did have an idea on who it was but she never managed to find him again" "who did she think it was?" melanie shakes her head "i cant tell you that. Iv'e told you more than i should by just telling you that" i sigh loudly. We go back inside after talking a little bit more and Scarlett appears "hey, how was the chat?" she asks and i nod taking of my shoes. I hug her tightly feeling more than sad for her after talking to Melanie. Scarlett laughs and puts her arms around me "what's this for?" "just because"  "just because what?" "just because you've missed out on hugs and stuff i wanted to give you a hug". I pull away from her and see Rose standing in the door "oh, i got you something" i walk past scarlett and grab the elephant from the table. "Scarlett took me to the zoo and told me you liked elephants so here you go" i hand it out and she takes it "thanks! i love him" i smile and watch her hug it tightly "i got you something too!" rose grabs my hand and pulls me through the kitchen and lounge. "Rose! Where are you going?" Scarlett calls following behind us with Melanie "to her special room" i frown, my special room? Rose opens a door to a room iv'e never seen and skips over to a table full of hundreds of presents "this is for you" she hands me a card and on the front their are four people, all labelled daddy, mommy, y/n and Rose. I smile at her "aww thanks, i love it" i open it up and it reads

To y/n 

Hapy Birfday. Please find mommy so you come home.

Rose xxxxxxxxxxx

I smile at the spelling mistakes because they are super cute "thanks, i'll keep this forever" Rose smiles widely and i feel a hand on my shoulder. "as y/n said, this is your special room. All of your presents from one to fifteen are here so when we finally got you back you would still have your birthday presents to open. I understand you probably dont want the ones up to thirteen but these ones you might like". i turn around and see Melanie and Colin in the door "thanks nut you know you didnt have to do this right? i'm happy just being here" i tell scarlett. Rose pokes my arm so i look at her holding a box "this is from me" she smiles "Rosie we aren't doing birthday presents now but you can give her your welcome home present" scarlett tells her and we watch as she squeezes between Melanies and colins legs to go to her room. She comes back with a white box and holds it up for me "thanks, you didnt have to get me anything" i tell her but mostly directing it to scarlett as i know she brought it. I slide it open to reveal a necklace with an elephant charm and a blue flower inside "mommy said you liked elephants" she giggles "aww thanks" rose hugs my waist, i'm stunned but quickly put an arm around her to hug her back. Scarlett puts the necklace on me  and smiles "you look so pretty".

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