Part 4

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For those who haven't read Story of Meina, here's a fact about Andrew: Andrew's human form's race/ethnicity is saxon/caucasian

Warning: Bad grammar and badly written?

(Seven Days Later, In the Morning)
The experiment had been succeed, Prof. Zephyr wrote the paperworks as succeed of both children. He smiled because he manage to creating the experiment. These two children are no longer humans, but now they are juvenile na'vis. As Meina and Andrew awaken, were confused of what just happened. The professor told them that they had sleep for seven days, he named them Meina, and Andrew. He also introduces himself as a creator of both children. The effect of a memory erasure caused both children to don't remember their families.

"Hold on, what is he talking about?" Confused Andrew, because of how he and Meina had no clue what have the professor told to them.  As they look at each of their hand, they're shocked.

They were shocked and got panicked about their new body. They whole body are now blue, their ears are cat-like, they now have tails, they now have long braids, their eyes are yellow, and their height are taller than their human forms. When the two children look at the mirror on the left side and scream in horror. Andrew felt horrified and back off from the mirror. "I... an alien?!" Nervous Meina.

"What have you guys done to us???" Asked Andrew nervously.

As what Zephyr told to Meina and Andrew, that he created the experiment on them. So he and the children could invade a planet called Pandora. Andrew shocked, and disagree with what Zephyr had told to him and Meina "Me and Meina will not join with you!" He said, as Meina agreed.

"If you won't join with us... then, you will die..." Said Zephyr with his psychotic smile. Meina felt panicked and bumped at Prof. Zephyr, that caused him fell. The na'vi girl ran away to the hall, while the professor calls his crewmen, Mr Garett the black haired man, Zorro the man with eyepatch, and Gregory the brown haired man to capture her.

Andrew shocked from Meina's behavior for being rebellious. He look at Prof. Zephyr and his henchmen chasing the na'vi girl, to the outside of the laboratory. The young na'vi boy wonders if he followed that cruel professor and his crew, he might be killed. There is supposed to be another way to escape without being caught by Prof. Zephyr.

He look at the cable and wondered "Let see... If I sabotage the whole electricity. It might be worked too, I could finally escape with snuck to the outside of the laboratory!"

"But I don't think that worked. Even I snuck to the outside of the lab, I still got caught again... Now what should I do to escape?" He wondered again. He look around the experiment room, to find anything that could help him escape. The room have many things there, such as: two water tube, that uses as an experiment, a paperwork of a succeed experiments, a machine that controlled the water tube, and a window.

Andrew look at the locked window and came forward. He look at the outside, and shocked from what he saw. Outside of a laboratory is not an earth anymore, it's a vile land with a jungle. "Is this... Pandora Planet? Did Prof. Zephyr just took me and Meina to this planet, when he used me and her as an experiment?!" He shocked

"What a cruel professor..." He annoyed. He look around the view of outside, and saw pile of body bags on the left side. He shocked, and horrified, and  wondered if those are victims of failed evil experiments. He felt scarred and stand back from the window.

Suddenly, he got a strange idea filled his mind. He look back again at the pile of body bags, and thought "If I pretended to be dead. I think Prof. Zephyr and his crew could took my "dead body" outside. I think that way could worked, cos bust out of Prof. Zephyr, could being caught by him again, and sabotages the light and snuck to outside, I also being caught again. Which means that bust out and sabotages wouldn't be worked!" As he look back to the room.

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