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Omniscient POV

It was around 8 in the morning and there was someone knocking on the door. Considering India was home alone, she dragged herself out of bed, making her way to the door.

"Hi baby. I'm so sorry to wake you up. Kevin's arrangement is at ten. I was wondering you could go. Bri is sick I have to take her to the hospital. I'll get you a uber and everything to go and come back." Kay's mom said.

"Yeah okay it's not problem. Is Bri okay?" India said, rubbing her eyes.

"Gracias Mi amor. She has the flu, but she's burning up." She said.

"I hope everything is alright. I'll go to his hearing." India said. "Brooklyn still with you?"

"Yeah. I'll send you the money. I got to go mami." She said, giving a quick hug and hurrying off.

She sighed, picking up her phone checking any text messages. Tossing her phone to the side shortly after, she went into the shower getting ready to start her day.

About 30 minutes after, she booked herself a uber to the courthouse which was another thirty minute drive from the block. She went through the routine security pat down before they let her up to the sixth floor, where the session as occurring.

Seeing how crowded it was when she walked in, she decided to remain seated in the back, not wanting to have to push past any people. Looking around, she shook her head not seeing any of his friends there. His lawyer read out his charges which were from robbery to assault, then talked about all the good things Kay did for the community, from fundraisers to donating money to building a new basketball court in his neighborhood.

She watched him as his back faced her. He slouched down in his chair, running his hands along his frizzy braids. She seen him playing with his nails, which let her know he was scared. Although he probably never showed it, he didn't wanna live the next few years of his life behind bars of nobody.

"You okay ma'am?" A security guard asked her, then pointed at her leg. Her leg was shaking up and down frantically.

"I'm good." She said, she gives him a small smile.

She felt herself getting bored hearing them talk and talk. She really only came because she didn't want him to feel lonely and because his mom told her to come.

"Bail is set at 7000" The judge said, slamming the gravel down. She sighed and watched them take him away. He looked around seeing if anyone he knew was in the crowd was there, but he didn't see her.

Before it could get crowded at the back doors, she swiftly walked out. This was almost routine for her, except this would be the first time she would have to bail him out. She walked over to the court clerk. "Hi. I would like to pay off bail for Kevin Perez."

"Okay." She said as she began to type on her computer.

"Seven thousand dollars?"


"How will you be paying? We take each, money order, or debit cards."

"I'll use my card." She said, taking out her MCM mini wallet, handing over her card. All that opening up she did in the past paid off, she though too herself.

"He'll be out shortly."

"Thank you." She spoke lowly, sitting back down on the wooden bench.

She sat there and waited for him to come out. She was scrolling on her phone up until "Titi" covered the screen once again. She slid her thumb, accepting the call.

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