Prologue: Ready to Take the Mantle

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(Y/N is the son of Zechs Merquise and Lucrezia Noin, who had joined forces with Heero Yuy and the other Gundam pilots during the Eve Wars. Y/N had inherited his father's blond hair and blue eyes, as well as his mother's intelligence and kindness. He was also a skilled pilot, having trained under Heero for the past few years. He was also disgusted by the current society as they oppress normal and powerless people. Y/N is ready to try the Tallgeese Armor he was gifted, but first he needs to train.)

Heero: Are you ready?

Y/N: Yes, uncle Heero. I'm ready to learn how to use the Tallgeese Armor.

Heero: (nods) Good. The Tallgeese Armor is a powerful machine, but it also has its drawbacks. It's heavy, slow and consumes a lot of energy. You have to be careful not to overheat or run out of fuel. You also have to be aware of your surroundings and use your shield wisely. The Zero Wing Armor is faster and more agile, but it also has less armor and firepower. You have to rely on your speed and mobility to avoid enemy attacks and strike at their weak points.

(Then both prepare to use their Armors as Zechs comes in.)

Zechs: Hello, son. I'm glad you're taking interest in my old armor. I hope you'll use it well and honor our family name.

Y/N: Hello, dad. I'm happy to hear from you. I'll do my best to learn from uncle Heero.

Zechs: Good luck, son. And remember: never give up, never surrender.

(Zechs then leaves as Heero speaks.)

Heero: Y/N, are you ready?

Y/N: Yes, uncle Heero. I'm ready.

Heero: Then let's go!

(Heero launches his Zero Wing Armor from the hangar bay and flies into space. Y/N follows him with his Tallgeese Armor. They reach an asteroid field where they prepare to their maneuvers and combat skills.)

Heero: Y/N, follow my lead. I'll show you some basic moves and techniques with the Zero Wing Armor. Then you'll try to copy them with the Tallgeese Armor.

Y/N: OK, uncle Heero.

(Heero begins to demonstrate how to use the Zero Wing Armor's wings to dodge asteroids and enemy fire, how to use the twin buster rifle to shoot down targets from a distance, how to use the heat rod to grapple enemies or objects in close range, and how to use the zero system to predict enemy movements and plan ahead. Y/N watches carefully and tries to imitate Heero's actions with his Tallgeese Armor. He finds it difficult to keep up with Heero's speed and agility, but he manages to avoid most of the obstacles and hit some of the targets. He also learns how to use the Tallgeese Armor's shield to block incoming attacks, how to use the beam lance to pierce through enemy armor or deflect enemy beams, how to use the thrusters to boost his speed or change direction quickly, and how to use his own instincts and judgment to fight effectively. Heero praises Y/N for his progress and gave him some tips and advice on how to improve his skills.)

Heero: Y/N, you're doing well. You're learning fast and adapting well to the Tallgeese Armor's capabilities and limitations. But you still have a lot to learn. The Tallgeese Armor is not an easy machine to master. It requires a lot of strength, stamina and concentration. You have to be careful not to overexert yourself or lose control of your machine.

Y/N: I understand, uncle Heero. Thank you for teaching me.

Heero: You're welcome, Y/N. But don't thank me yet. We're not done here. Now we're going to spar with each other. I'll use my Zero Wing Armor at 50% power and you'll use your Tallgeese Armor at full power. This will be a test of your skills and abilities. Are you ready?

Y/N: Yes, uncle Heero. I'm ready.

Heero: Then let's begin.

(Heero and Y/N engag in a mock battle, using their mobile suits to attack and defend against each other. They exchanged shots, blows and grapples, trying to gain the upper hand and score a hit. They also used their surroundings to their advantage, hiding behind asteroids, using debris as projectiles or shields, and creating diversions or traps. Heero was impressed by Y/N's performance. He saw that Y/N had inherited his father's courage and determination, as well as his mother's grace and wisdom. He also saw that Y/N had developed his own style and personality, combining the Tallgeese Armor's power and resilience with his own creativity and flexibility. He felt proud of his nephew and hoped that he would grow up to be a great pilot and a good person. Y/N was amazed by Heero's skills. He saw that Heero was a master of the Zero Wing Armor, using its speed and agility to the fullest. He also saw that Heero was a calm and composed fighter, never losing his focus or his cool. He felt honored to learn from his uncle and hoped that he would live up to his expectations and his legacy. The battle lasts for several minutes, until both pilots decide to call it a draw. They return to their normal positions and deactivate their weapons.)

Heero: Y/N, that was a good fight. You've done well. You've shown me that you have what it takes to use the Tallgeese Armor. I'm proud of you.

Y/N: Thank you, uncle Heero. That means a lot to me. You've shown me how amazing the Zero Wing Armor is. I'm grateful to you.

Heero: You're welcome, Y/N. But don't forget: this is just the beginning. You still have a lot to learn and improve. The Tallgeese Armor is not a toy or a game. It's a weapon of war and peace. You have to use it responsibly and wisely. You have to respect its power and its history. And you have to remember your own values and goals. Don't let the machine control you or change you. Be yourself and be true to yourself.

Y/N: I understand, uncle Heero. I'll remember your words and follow your example.

Heero: Good. Now let's go back to the Peacemillion. We have some more training to do.

Y/N: OK, uncle Heero. Let's go.

(Heero and Y/N fly back to the Peacemillion with their armors, smiling at each other. This is only the beginning.)

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