Chapter 18: Branwen Tribe's Extinction

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(At Branwen Tribe's territory, two bandits are seen guarding a gate until they hear footsteps as they see Y/N, Cloud's Squad, Pyra and Mytra walking towards them. They raise their weapons as they get into fighting stance.)

Bandit 1: So you decided to save us the trouble of finding you, Cloud Strife

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Bandit 1: So you decided to save us the trouble of finding you, Cloud Strife.

Bandit 2: We have been looking for you and your weak partners all over the town.

Cloud: (glares) Funny of you to think we've come to surrender.

(Y/N then activates his Tallgeese Armor, and the bandits start to shake in their spines and get frightened as he slashes them. The heroes bust the gate open, drawing the Branwen Tribe's attention as Vernal leaves her tent.)

Vernal: What do we have here?

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Vernal: What do we have here?

Cloud: Where is Raven Branwen? Her demise is near!

(Raven then comes out of her tent.)

Raven: (stern) Cloud Strife

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Raven: (stern) Cloud Strife...

Cloud: It's time for revenge!

Raven: You're just a pathetic weakling, Cloud.

Cloud: (glares) I'll show you weakling!

Raven: (glares) Still having a death wish, I see. (to the bandits) Kill them!

(They charge at the heroes as Cloud draws his sword, Aerith draws her staff, Tifa cracks her knuckles, and both Pyra and Mythra get in their fighting stances.)

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