Just Be Her Friend

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a/n: Momo is the same age as Mina for the sake of the story

Just keep being her friend.

Tzuyu's words of wisdom echoed in Jeongyeon's mind. Right. She could do this. Being Nayeon's friend was easy.

Nothing had to change just because she'd found out about her accident and her dad's death. And her hospitalization. And damaged spine and legs.

"Shit. Get it together Yoo," Jeongyeon mumbled to herself.

She was anxiously pacing back and forth outside JYP Wellness waiting for Nayeon to come out like she had for the last three weeks. Jeongyeon was once again second guessing herself and her plan.

When she'd texted Nayeon last night about her idea, she'd almost backed out a dozen times. But Nayeon had quickly agreed, saying how much she was looking forward to it. There was no way Jeongyeon could disappoint her now.

The door opened up behind the anxious baseball player and she turned towards the entrance. Nayeon's physical therapist was wheeling her out.

"Sorry, my session went a little long," Nayeon apologized.

"We added a new exercise today," her physical therapist said.

"It's fine." Jeongyeon smiled.

"I'm Hirai Momo by the way," Nayeon's therapist said.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Yoo Jeongyeon."

Jeongyeon bowed to the woman.

"I know. Nayeon talks about you all the time," Momo grinned.

"Momo!" Nayeon looked anywhere but Jeongyeon.

"Really? All good things I hope," Jeongyeon said.

Nayeon hid her face behind her hands,
still refusing to look at Jeongyeon. The older girl had never been this flustered around her before. She was so cute.

"She told me you're taking her out on a date," Momo said.

"I didn't say it was a date! I said she was taking me to get food."

"Same difference," Momo teased.

Now Jeongyeon was the one all flustered. Well, she was taking Nayeon out to get food so it could technically be called a date. Except it wasn't.

It was just a friendly outing. With the girl she was crushing on.

Totally not a date.

"Hey, where's your sling? Did you forget it?" Nayeon asked when she noticed the ever present blue sling on Jeongyeon's arm was missing.

"Nope. My doctor said I don't need to wear it anymore."

"Does Mina know you're doing this? Pushing me in my wheelchair I mean," Nayeon asked.

"She knows. Trust me, I know better than to try and fool her," Jeongyeon said. "She told me it's fine since we're not going far. My shoulder is getting better."

"Are you sure? I don't want you to hurt yourself."

"If Mina says it's alright, then it's alright Nayeon. You know her; she wouldn't let Jeongyeon do this if it risked her in any way," Momo reassured the worried girl. "Okay Jeongyeon, you ever pushed anyone in a wheelchair before?"

"Uh, I pushed my mom before when she broke her ankle," Jeongyeon said. That had been a few years back, but how hard could it be to push someone in a wheelchair anyway?

"Just be careful when you have to go over curbs or go through doorways. We don't need Nayeonie getting hurt," Momo said seriously.

Jeongyeon gulped nervously. Now she had a whole new set of problems to worry about. Momo and Mina would kill her if she so much as got a tiny scratch on Nayeon, she was sure of it.

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