It's Just A Party

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The next night found Jeongyeon running around like a maniac, cleaning and organizing as if royalty were coming. Most of her team was already at her house, blasting music in the living room by the time 7PM rolled around.

Seungyeon had planned to make herself scarce and go see a movie. But when she walked into the kitchen and saw Jeongyeon sorting pizza boxes and snacks, she ended up staying to help.

"Thanks for helping unnie," Jeongyeon said. "You didn't have to stay."

"Well, someone has to help you organize this mess," Seungyeon said while sorting through the piles of chips and candy. "Where's Jihyo?"

"She's laying down some ground rules in the living room."

"Does she ever take a night off from being the team captain?"

"Not really. I think she just likes bossing people around," Jeongyeon grinned.

"So.... is your "friend" here yet?" Seungyeon asked. She even used air quotes for emphasis.

"Nayeon's not here yet. And don't do that again. That's so weird."

Jeongyeon made a face at her sister. Seungyeon threw her hands up in surrender.

"Fine. I'll stop." Seungyeon seriously looked at Jeongyeon. "You really like this girl, don't you?"

"Yeah, I really do," Jeongyeon admitted. "I've never liked someone as much as I like her. I'm just worried she only sees me as a friend though."

"You never know. Maybe she feels the same way."

"Yeah. Maybe."

"Unnie, come on," Tzuyu said as she entered the kitchen and went straight to Jeongyeon. "Ryujin and Chaeyoung are gonna have a rap battle!"

"I've gotta see this," Jeongyeon said eagerly. "Do you need anything else unnie?"

"No, go ahead. I'm going to call Soyeon."

Seungyeon waved her sister and Tzuyu away.

Both girls joined the rest of their team in the living room. Everyone was engrossed in the battle between their two teammates, meanwhile Jeongyeon couldn't help but check her phone every few minutes to see if Nayeon had texted her. She hadn't sent anything for a few hours now which wasn't like her at all.

When the doorbell rang, Jeongyeon eagerly went to open the door, but was disappointed to find Yuna and Yeji waiting for her.

"Wow unnie, don't look so happy to see us," Yeji joked.

"Sorry, I'm just waiting for a friend," Jeongyeon explained. "Come in. There's pizza and snacks in the kitchen."

"Thanks unnie," Yuna said with a sweet smile.

The girls walked past Jeongyeon, making their way inside. Jeongyeon stuck her head out the door, checking to see if there was any sign of Nayeon, but she wasn't here yet.

Where was she? Was she okay? Jeongyeon resisted the urge to text her again. She didn't want to seem clingy. With a final glance at the street, she reluctantly closed the door and headed back to sit by Jihyo.

"What's up?" Jihyo asked.

"Nothing," Jeongyeon sighed.

"Quit worrying, she'll get here when she gets here," Jihyo said knowingly.

"It's just not like her to ghost me like this. She always texts me. I'm worried something happened."

"You're overthinking again Jeong. She's probably really nervous so she's taking her time to get ready. She doesn't want to make a bad first impression."

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