Just Watch Me

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Jeongyeon paced anxiously in the dugout, cursing that stupid no phone rule for the millionth time. Couldn't coach make exceptions every now and then? This was important.

"Jeongyeon, will you please stop?" Jihyo frowned. "You look like you're about to fight someone and it's freaking Yuna out."

"Huh? Oh, sorry Yuna. I'm not angry, I promise," Jeongyeon said to the girl.

Yuna gave her a timid smile and just nodded.

"Then quit staring daggers at coach when he isn't  looking, dummy. You know the cellphone rule isn't going to change," Jihyo said. 

"Well it's a stupid rule. What if there's an emergency?"

"Your girlfriend being four minutes late isn't an emergency Jeong."

Jihyo rolled her eyes. She loved her friend, but she was such a worry wart. Especially when it came to Nayeon.

"Relax, alright. Sana and Seungyeon unnie are both with her. Besides, Nayeon is a big girl. She can handle herself."

"I can't help it. You know how people are. I don't want anyone bothering her or looking at her like she's some freak," Jeongyeon said.

"You're going to have to let that go. You can't control what other people do," Jihyo said. She got up and pulled Jeongyeon to sit down.

"Just sit here and try to calm down. I'll keep a lookout for them," Jihyo offered.

"Here unnie, my mom sent you this for the game," Tzuyu said as she handed over a small bottle of gingseng drink.

"Thanks Tzu. Be sure to tell her thanks for me."

Jeongyeon accepted the drink and downed it quickly. Vitamin drinks didn't always taste the best, but she wasn't going to turn it down. Tzuyu's mom was a master at knowing which vitamins and herbal medicines they needed.

"Oh, and just a heads up, she's also mad at you."

"What? Why?"

"Because you haven't brought Nayeon unnie to meet her yet. She hasn't stopped complaining about it," Tzuyu said, rolling her eyes.

"Tell her I promise I'll bring Nayeon," Jeongyeon said. "I want to introduce her to my parents first though."

"Just as long as you do it soon. That way she can focus on you and Nayeon unnie, and stop bugging me about getting a girlfriend too," Tzuyu said.

"She's still on you about dating?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Oh yeah," Dahyun said as she joined the conversation. "You should have seen her yesterday. She had all these pictures of girls she thought Tzuyu would like. It was hilarious."

"Poor you," Jeongyeon laughed.

"Having the world's most supportive mom has somehow turned into a bad thing," Tzuyu complained. "I mean seriously, where did she even find all those girls? Does she just search "gay Chinese girls" and pick from the list?"

"For your mom's sake, I hope she's not searching that. She'll be traumatized for life," Dahyun said.

"What about Sana?" Jeongyeon asked.

"What about her?"

"She's into girls and she's really pretty. Nayeon said she mentioned she thought you were cute."

"She thinks I'm cute?" Tzuyu blushed.

"Ooh Yoda, looks like we found your girlfriend," Dahyun teased.

"You should ask for her number. She's coming today," Jeongyeon said.

"Jeong, they're here," Jihyo called to her friend.

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